How many scripts are you running, and which ones? I don't think it's an issue to have too many, but there may be an issue if multiple scripts are interacting in weird ways.
I also see that you have the Tongues script installed -- I was never able to get it to work properly and it would crash my API after a bit. So you might want to start with that one by disabling it and see if you have issues. Otherwise you'll probably have to go through them one by one.
I also use this little scriptlet (slightly adapted from Wolf Thunderspirit's here) which may be helpful for getting a message in the API console log and in the in-game chat:
const APIStartup = (()=>{
//User Editable
const TimerSeconds = 10; // How many seconds after the restart notice does it take to complete the sandbox load?
// Do not Edit below this line
const scriptName = "API Startup";
const version = '0.1';
const TimerMilliseconds = TimerSeconds * 1000;
const BGColor = "#0f0";
const BGColorStart = "#f00";
const OuterStyleStart = `width: 75%; margin: auto; padding: 0px; border-radius: 4px; box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #707070;`;
const InnerStyleStart = `text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; padding: 0px 0px; margin: 0px auto; border: 1px solid #000; border-radius: 4px; color: #000; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(-45deg, #a7c7dc 0%,#85b2d3 100%); text-shadow: 0px 0px #222, 0px 0px #222, 0px 0px #222, 0px 0px #222 , 0px 0px #222;`;
var currentTime = new Date();
currentTime.setHours(currentTime.getHours() - 8);
var timestamp = (new Date(currentTime).toLocaleString('en-US'));
const checkInstall = function() {
log('-=> ' + scriptName + ' v' + version + ' <=-');
setTimeout(()=>log(`API Wakeup Complete at ` +timestamp),0);
sendChat("API Startup", `/w gm <div style='${OuterStyleStart}'><div style='${InnerStyleStart}'>API Wakeup Complete</div></div>`,null,{noarchive:true});
log(`API Wakeup Begun...`);
sendChat("API Startup", `/w gm <div style='${OuterStyleStart}'><div style='${InnerStyleStart}'>API Starting Up</div></div>`,null,{noarchive:true});
on("ready",() => {