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Kobold Press spells showing up in spells list despite being filtered out

Phil B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
This is affecting the compendium spells list and the Charactermancer. Despite the fact that I have specifically set the filters to only include official D&D spells, a majority of the returned list is still the unofficial KP spells. The same thing is happening in the Charactermancer, despite having the shared compendiums limited to specifically the official books. I know this is a "I have too many compendiums" problem, but it makes using the Charactermancer extremely tedious when we're trying to only use official sources. This could also be fixed by listing the source with the spell in the Charactermancer, even if it was just in the info box after clicking. Currently the only way to find the source is to manually search the spell in the compendium window. Here is the filter I'm using: Of the first 10 items on the list, only 2 of them (*) are D&D: Adjust Position Anticipate Weakness Armor of Agathys* Arms of Hadar* Avoid Grievous Injury Black Ribbons Bleed Bleed (listed 2 times) Blinding Pain Blood Scarab There seems to be a bunch of random overlaps. The extra spells are only included when I add PHB or XGtE, but not TCoE. If I filter to JUST Deep Magic (KP), then it includes spells from Explorer's Guide to Wildemount (D&D)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
It may not be the solution you are looking for, but if you don't want any KP options, have you tried disallowing them on the Compendium Sharing page for the game?
Phil B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
I'm 90% sure only official sources are allowed in the game. It's my friend's game that I helped set up when I still had access to the game settings (when I worked at Roll20). I'm going to ask him when we play tomorrow night, to confirm. I was just trying to be proactive in leveling my character between sessions. This doesn't change the fact that the filter is definitely not working correctly on the out-of-game compendium.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
You're right, it doesn't. Just hoping to find a workaround in the meantime. The best route is to file a  Help Center Request .