I've been looking over the forums, online and youtube and I can't find an answer or method to do this. It seems linking/rolling from handouts changed from !
 to just the tilde ` I've been able to link to other handouts, whisper players, put descriptions in the chat channel, but the one thing I am looking for isn't working for me. You can roll from a handout by linking the text and using something like `You take [[2d6]] damage. Which is fine, but not as sleek as I would like. I wanted to use the Roll20 Roll Template: &{template:default} {{name=Test Attack}} {{attack=[[1d20]]}} {{damage=[[2d6]]}} However, when I attempt to do this, it ignores the roll template and just puts the text with rolls in the chat channel as if I had whispered/typed it. Is this something that is possible? Does anyone know a fix? Thank you ahead of time!