In my game I'd adjusted the default tokens for a bunch of the built-in NPC/Creature sheets. I like some of the bars set up differently than the module defaulted to, was using some different art, was using UDL, etc.
I applied the most recent Out of the Abyss patch to my game and it reset all of those back to the initial default tokens for the sheets.
This isn't entirely unexpected. Roll20 seems to be going through and patching all their content to use UDL, and they don't seem to be especially surgical about that process. Presumably they needed to strip any LDL values from the tokens and don't do any sort of check to see if the thing they're modifying has been altered. I made sure to create a backup copy of the game before applying the patch to confirm nothing game breaking was going to occur, and fixing a bunch of default tokens again wasn't a huge deal.
But it would have been nice to not have needed to do that. And I figured others might want to know that it's a thing.