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Allow text inside Card Decks

Score + 233
Marketplace Creator
Yes.  This would make it so much simpler to play one of my characters.  I've been considering creating a deck just to play her, but because it's based off of someone else's property, I'm certain I wouldn't be able to monetize it if I spent the time creating it, and it's a lot of work for just one character.  Being able to copy/paste text and draw from there would make it much easier.
Any additional card and card deck functionality would be great. Although while we're at it I'd also like the possibility of being able to set Macros on cards. This could help for spell reference cards and such.

Edited 1623327359
Please please please add this functionality, as everyone says it would unlock loads of easy-to-use flexibility in what games on roll20 can be. I want players to have item cards without me needing to produce loads of images and without them having to break up play to look through their character sheets to figure out what the items do. I want to be able to shuffle index cards that we've written on.  To give a specific use case for this, the marketplace has decks for Monte Cook Games's cypher system. Anyone trying to run numenera/cypher games may have noticed that the available cypher decks are frequently useless for this because they contain multiple cyphers per card and require a dice roll to set the level. So the player will end up having to write everything on their character sheet, defeating the point of using a deck of cards. If the player can just write "level 3, name of cypher" on their card then suddenly this product goes from useless to brilliant. I gather that in person users of these decks do this with wet erase markers - it's so painful that I can't do the equivalent with roll20!  Being able to annotate cards would also enable loads of clever workarounds of the other issues with decks. e.g. I can't give cards to characters, only to players, and sometimes I have two people playing from the same computer. If they can annotate their cards, we can track which characters own which cards.
I was searching for exactly that functionality and realise that it's been requested again and again for years ! I mean, this post alone is 6 year old and there is probably other older request for that...

Edited 1623794370
Sheet Author
Thanks for the support everyone. I'm really surprised this suggestion hasn't gotten more votes. ;-(
vÍnce - I know, it's so frustrating! And I'm not even playing one of the games mentioned that basically require this functionality in order to play! This would add so much value and I can't imagine it's that technically complex? (though I'm no expert) 
I am going to bump this as someone who has recently found I need this feature greatly. It would be incredibly valuable even to be able to just put a couple lines of text on a card. Even if they were in the form of a pop up or something when you click on the card, it would go a long toward meeting my needs.
+1  I am baffled that the ability to enter text onto cards (or better yet attach Macros to them) wasn't thought of and implemented at their inception. I feel like I am constantly walking away from my roll20 subscription because it only ever offers half of the needed functionality for my campaigns! They aren't complicated functions that I need, just the ability to not have to make and upload a separate image every time I need to quickly make a card. We are trying to play TTRPG's here, not Poker (there are plenty of virtual platforms for that already)!  
vÍnce said: Thanks for the support everyone. I'm really surprised this suggestion hasn't gotten more votes. ;-( And it's also sad that this post doesn't even got some words from the developers :( How many votes do we need? Is this really that complicated and they'd need to revamp the whole cards stuff? Or could it be done with reasonable effort? What are the requirements they can tackle and which can't be done?  Would be nice to know :(
It would be a useful feature.
 +1 This feature
+1 to this seven-year-long request thread! I just bought the Fiasco module on here, specifically because it comes with blank card assets. But what good are those if I can't add text to them and make my own custom playsets?! The whole point is to have a deck I can shuffle and deal so we can collaborate on our story's details. It's a ridiculous pain to drop blank cards and add floating text over them every time. I understand Roll20 probably prefers I buy the pre-made playset decks in the marketplace, but restricting customizability like this goes against the spirit of this game. And unfortunately, this silly oversight/restriction makes me think I might as well refund my module and just resort to a basic video chat with a whiteboard tool for my games... Dynamic lighting is neat, but how do we still not have customizable card text after seven years of +1s?!
Compendium Curator
+1 why has this not been done?
they still haven't done it have they?  +1