I've been running a pathfinder campaign (level 1-20 AP) since January with the same group of players but one of them has recently had to leave. As such I'm trying to recruit another (or possibly 2 more) players to join the group. We play every Friday at 19:30 - sometime past midnight GMT - obviously nobody can promise to be there every single week, but to keep the campaign flowing I'd like people to be able to commit to attending most weeks. The party is evil and working for the Lawful Evil god Asmodeus, while you don't have to be evil or a worshipers of Asmodeus you should at least be sympathetic to his ideals (contracts, torture, killing of innocents etc). The characters are currently level 8, and we have a ninja, a necromancer and an oracle. As such, it's a pretty balanced party so your choice of class is fairly open. The character creation rules are a little complicated, so rather than explaining them here if you are interested would you be able to post or mail me: 1. Character class and concept (ie, Wizard - enchantment specialist, Anti-Paladin - Sword and Shield tank etc.) 2. Character background - we'll be able to work exact details into the campaign, but essentially the entire world are devout followers of Mitra, and for one reason or another you're not happy with that. The PCs so far have undertaken actions that have cost many thousands of lives. You're not just 'a bit naughty' - you're full on evil and becoming more so with every passing day. You're character doesn't have to start off as 100% evil, but you first task is to summon an arch daemon into the world to unleash a plague that's going to kill tens of thousands, so at they very least you'd have to be easily convinced that it's acceptable to do so. By Friday evening I'll have a look through anyone who wants to join and try and chat to a few people on Skype - ideally we'll get you a completed character by 19:45 so you can join in tomorrow, but I realise that's a rather tight schedule. Please let me know if you have any questions. Best wishes, Stephen.