Erik M. said: Kurt, A quick question: Is there a reason when there is a repeating row loaded that some of the attributes of the row don't get accessed or loaded? Specifically, the Pathfinder 2 character sheet has the damage for weapons split into 2 attributes (for some reason) called damage_dice and damage_dice_size. When I run this card for a rapier (weapon damage 1d6): !scriptcard {{ --#sourceToken|@{selected|token_id} --#whisper|GM --Rfirst|[*S:character_id];repeating_melee-strikes --+Damage|Number of dice: [*R:damage_dice] and Dice Size [*R:damage_dice_size] for [*R:weapon] }} This is output that I get: I made sure the names were correct by running: @{selected|repeating_melee-strikes_$0_damage_dice} @{selected|repeating_melee-strikes_$0_damage_dice_size} And that gave me the correct 1D6. I've also tried running the Rdump command and the damage_dice attribute isn't even listed. Could this be a problem with the sheet as it interacts with the API? I fired up a PF2 game to look, and the way the repeating attributes are handled on the sheet are a bit different than what I'm used to. There is a "damage_dice_query" attribute that is just a reference to "@{damage_dice}", but I can't find that listed anywhere. I'll keep digging, but it may just be the way the sheet in structured. There is an attribute called damage_display that you can use to get the number of dice like this: !scriptcard {{ --#sourceToken|@{selected|token_id} --#whisper|GM --Rfirst|[*S:character_id];repeating_melee-strikes --&numdice|[*R:damage_display] --~numdice|string;before;D;[&numdice] --+Damage|Number of dice: [&numdice] and Dice Size [*R:damage_dice_size] for [*R:weapon] }} It is kind of a workaround, but it brings back the right value.