I am not asking for anyone to write the code for me, but maybe give me enough example that I can start. "Read the forums" "read roll20 character sheet" "go to college and become a programmer" doesn't help. Sending a link to a similar function or showing an example code and a brief explanation of it does help. What I want the character sheet to do is once you select class and race then the sheet automatically populates skills and powers based on those selections. I assume it would be similar to the if/else conditionals used to set the ability score modifiers you all taught me to do. In short (without coding) If race is elf then ability 1 is infra vision 60 feet If race is elf then ability 2 is find secret doors If race is elf then ability 3 is sleep and charm resistance Etc ...... Bonus points if you can give me clues how that can affect repeating abilities.