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[Help] Bump Script Removed All Token Bars


Edited 1619244205
I accidentally toggled the "No Bars on Slave" setting about 4 times in a row (I intended for it to be set to ON). Now all tokens I had set up bump counterparts for have lost their bars. I'm able to replicate this with newly dragged out tokens (see the gif below), but I had several populated maps that have been affected. Is there a way to undo this via the script? I tried rolling back my game to 04/22, but it didn't seem to do anything; nothing changed. EDIT: I managed to figure out a TokenMod macro to re-link most tokens' bars. I'll be extra careful not to touch that setting again ;)

Edited 1619240004
If the tokens were at full health, then you could use TokenMod to copy the current value into the max value for each bar: !token-mod {{ --set bar1_max|@{selected|bar1} bar2_max|@{ selected| bar2} bar3_max|@{selected|bar3} }} All bump does is copy the current value but not copy the max value, and if there's not a value in both then the bars don't display. So putting the current value into the max value should make the bars reappear.
Thanks, Jarren! That got me on the right track.

Edited 1622410306
I started getting a new bug that might be related to this issue. I've had Auto Slave, Auto Unslave, and No Bars on Slave toggled on since my last post. I haven't installed any new scripts since then. This week I've noticed that the first time I bump a player token after API spin up, the slave token has bars. If I then bump it to the token layer and back again, the slave doesn't have bars but it still doesn't unlink the bars from attributes, so the max values get removed from the character sheet. I don't want to reset the configuration again because of the initial bug; I'd have to reconfigure all the token bars on existing pages again. But I noticed in the API page that the toggles for all of Bump's settings (I use the one-click version) are unchecked. Does anyone know if this is a new issue with Bump or if it has to do with API access to token attributes getting changed recently? Any suggested solutions before I go with fully resetting the configuration and risking all my token bars?
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
I think this is an issue with Bump.  When not slaving bars, it was still syncing the linking of bars, leading to blanking the max part when you changed the setting.  I've made a change to Bump and I'm testing it now.
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Ok, I believe I've fixed this issue and I've sent a pull request:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Latest version (v0.2.22): <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
That did fix the second issue, thank you so much! The first issue is still happening, where toggling off No Bars on Slave causes any bumped tokens' bars to get unlinked and lose their max value (tested in a new game). I guess turning that off just makes the master token match the slave token. Any idea why it's doing that? It's easy enough to avoid now that I know it does that, but it was inconvenient to stumble upon it the first time lol
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Hmm. &nbsp;Sorry, I missed that issue in the original thread (it was a busy weekend abs I just skimmed down to the end, whoops!). I'll duplicate that and see about a fix.&nbsp;
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Ok, fixed!&nbsp; That was an interesting Chicken-Egg problem, but it's working now in v0.2.23: Latest version (v0.2.23): <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Thanks for tracking that down!
Wonderful! It all seems to be working as it should. Thanks again!
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Sweet! &nbsp;Should be in the one click next week.&nbsp;