Ok, so I tend to suffer from something I call "distracted-by-the-shiny-itis." It's a problem where, while I'm in the middle of one project, I suddenly get inspired to try something else... and I spend a while on that until yet another idea comes in and... then it's six months later and I've gotten nothing finished.  So!  I am hosting a poll here and on Twitter to decide where to focus my energies for my next completed project.  Your choices are: 1) Call of Cthulhu Insanity Portrait Pack: A collection of black and white comic book style character portraits depicting the descent into madness. 2) Cloud Palace map tile set: A tile set for anyone who ever wanted to have an adventure in the cloudlands, with a whimsical bent to it. 3) Character Pack III: Yet even more character portraits for D&D and Pathfinder. 4) Maze tile set: A set of tiles you can shift around to make a maze for the PCs to get stuck in, including some turning corridors and traps. Please let me know what you think I should work on!