I love Door Knocker. I currently use it as part of my open locks, etc, macros. The problem is that it doesn't actually let the players open locked doors. Instead it lets them roll for a result in powercards that pops up a button that lets me as the GM (Castle Keeper) know they succeeded and let's me toggle the door open for them.
I've looked at many options and tried many an idea to get past the GM only restriction for open it and closing locked doors built into Door Knocker. My original was to change the door color. Then I've researched other DL scripts. I'm the end, I think the best plan may be to hack the script.
I think if I removed the one click install version of Door Knocked from my API installs and grabbed the raw code from github and remove the isgm requirement from key and the install the API manually then players should be able to use the key options from door knocker and not just GMs. Having the key options only pop up when open locks skill is successful would help control it's abuse.
To that end I was hoping one of you sorcerers or mad scientists could tell me if removing the following lines of code (764, 765, 766) from Door Knocker would let players open locked doors?