So I understand this is a little bit complex. I'm trying to run a Bizenghast system, but without a proper character sheet implemented I'm having to do some jiggery pokery with Macros. The system is very basic, from a table top standpoint. Roll a d20, if value is less than score, success. More than score failure. I know I can't use If/Then statements, so I'm just going to work around it by calling out success and failure manually. HOWEVER, this switches when it comes to attacks and damage. So melee attacks always use the Strength attribute. Ranged attacks always used the Speed attribute. Easily done. Use my query to call melee or ranged, then display the speed or strength value instead of melee or ranged. Here's where it gets tricky. . An enemy has to roll HIGHER than the attack roll of the attacker, with a bonus applied to their roll based on the kind of weapon they are using. An improvised weapon grants a +2 bonus to the Kill Save difficulty. A normal weapon a +6, and a magic weapon a +10. So let's say, for example, a player makes a melee attack with an improvised weapon. They'd roll a d20 vs their Strength score. If less than or equal to their strength, they hit their enemy. For this example, we'll say their Strength is a 10 and they roll an 8. Because they attacked with an improvised melee weapon and hit, the enemy must now roll a d20 and roll higher than their roll (8) with the weapon bonus (+2). Meaning the enemy must roll a 10 or higher to not be wounded. Sorry for that mechanic dump. What I'm wanting to do is set up a Roll Query that asks the player what kind of weapon they are using and the type of attack. Then in the same macro, it uses their answer to the previous queries to implement a value that provides their Attack DC and Kill Save DC. Here's the macro I have thus far: &{template:default} {{name=Character makes an attack!}} {{Character attacks with ?{What kind of weapon?|Improvised|Normal|Magic} ?{Melee or Ranged?|Melee,Ranged}}} {{Roll: [[1d20]] vs ?{Melee or Ranged?|Melee,Strength:@{Strength}|Ranged,Speed:@{Speed}}} {{Kill Save Bonus: ?{What kind of weapon?|Improvised,+2|Normal,+6|Magic,+10}]]}} Using the above example, I want it to display something like Character makes an attack! Character attacks with Improvised Melee Roll: 8 vs 10 Kill Save Bonus: +2 I know I can just have the players manually select all this stuff again, but I'm trying to keep the drop downs and custom entries limited so it's a bit more streamlined. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.