Yell... damn lmao! Now I wonder if there is a way to have it ignore the selected token and only set the bar on the referenced token, since I'm also using the 5E Resting in Style api it would be neat to be able to use the !long-rest script with it, problem is the long rest api needs a selected token and tokenmod will also increase the bar of the selected token as well as the time keeper. update: Found a way to do just that, it's a bit of speggetti code IMO but it works: !token-mod {{ --set bar1_value|+8 --ids @{Time Keeper|character_id} --current-page }} !long-rest !token-mod {{ --set bar1_value|-8 --ids @{selected|character_id} }} You would have to edit it to reflect which bar your using for HP but it works and it's generic enough that it should work with any game that's using your Tokenmod, 5E Resting in Style, and if your using ChatSetAttr you can set it to effect the Time Keeper sheet from chat using a macro as well. I use this to pass by hours/min/ w/e: !setattr --name Time Keeper --modb --Minutes|1 I'm pretty happy with this set up, it makes accurately tracking time in 5e pretty easy for those games where time actually matters. And with that said for people searching the forums in the future for a time tracker and DON'T want a token on the field to track time, use ChatSetAttr, you will be able to set custom attributes with it to keep track of time without a token as long as you make a character sheet for it.