Hey there, My name is James and I am currently looking to be a player in a monday night game at 7:00pm cst or a bit later (starting time 10pm tops)
I have a all day all week work schedule, not to say I don't get free time is just during the day I can't really sit down and play a game without being called to work several times (I am currently a caretaker)
anyways about me, I been playing 5E on roll20 for a bit more than 3 years now (going to be 4 in october), I racked up quite a few hours as a player but more as a DM, currently I am only DMing one game for close friends but I do miss being a player and not having to worry about roleplaying 50 NPCs and mixing up there voices, I like the rules and know them pretty well because I like to give my players advantages when they didn't think they had one and vice versa (such as the prone rule witch most people misrule saying ranged attacks have disadvantage on prone creatures witch is not true, its any attack from within 5 feet of the prone creature has advantage, otherwise disadvantage, so a character with a bow can go point blank on a prone creature and attack normally, or that its kind of impossible to have disadvantage on a unconscious creature because it can't see anything either so all attackers are considered "unseen" and get advantage from that) but I am not super strict with them so my players can do dumb fun stuff (whats the point if everyone is not having fun?)
as a player I try to make a character that will fit in with the group or be the comic relief but not be a total joke character, my goal as a player is the same goal as a DM: make sure everyone has fun. on character death...eh it happens and I'm fine with that unless it was like targeted, a DM who goes around killing players or making them auto fail skill checks/making impossible checks and making players roll for it away ways and several other crimes I have had to sadly deal with ALOT (it kind of taught me about what not to do while DMing) I even had a DM kick me from a game because he couldn't kill/endanger my PC (it was a rogue, I kept running away, hiding and shooting a bow from long range)
what I am looking for in a game is something chill, maybe a good amount of challenge and combat, fun RP with fun relaxed people who don't mind playing with a loud 32 year old who watches way too much anime/plays too much video games, I just want to make new friends and role play a fun D&D character.