Darth Educatus said: 3) I would like to figure out how to send images directly to chat in a format that is large enough to see. Right now if I use a roll table with images in it they do show up in chat but they are so tiny I cant see really them. Actually, I make images in the library that I show the players... but It'd be nice to be able to display it to just one player.. the person who drew it and then the other players would have to venture a guess as to what happened to the player.lol... But otherwise, I would lvove to see your suggestion too. :) I use this to post pictures in the chat. I made this a macro button to where I press it and paste the copied Image URL in and it post it. if you want it to whisper to someone just add ?{whisper|Player Name, Player Name|Player Name, Player Name}, replacing "Player Name" with your actual players names. Macro: [Image](?{URL}#.png)