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Character Sheet Requests

I'd love an updated Whitehack 3E character sheet. It's a pretty simple game so it should be easy to do (if one knows what they're doing). The current 2E sheet is functional but there are a few things lacking; 1) no where to indicate character level, 2) somewhere to put Groups for AV and ST, 3) equipment slots instead of just a space for a typed list. I really appreciate any help with this.
There are a lot of Ubiquity Sheets already available, however a Space 1889 (Ubiquity Version) sheet would be incredibly welcome.
Hi, I've found somebody on another forum who has created a roll20 character sheet for the modiphious dishonored rpg. here is the link:&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Sheet Author
API Scripter
The DM said: Please make a sheet for Warlock! It’s a rules light system so it wouldn’t be very hard. I just don’t know coding. The Warlock! sheet is live and available for use - updates coming soon.
Hello, What about a Neoclassical Geek Revival character sheet? Wouldn't it be awesome? Thanks in advance!
Hello, I have requested a character sheet a few months ago, but I realized there are tons of demands, and CHILL is not a very known game. If I do an HTML sheet, is there someone willing to put it in github, and maybe try to code the rolls? Thanks in advance,

Edited 1630789443
Sheet Author
Alexis K. said: Hello, I have requested a character sheet a few months ago, but I realized there are tons of demands, and CHILL is not a very known game. If I do an HTML sheet, is there someone willing to put it in github, and maybe try to code the rolls? Thanks in advance, I would say GO FOR IT! ;-)&nbsp; There are lot's helpful people on the forums for when you stuck.
A Cortex Prime Sheet would be great.
a sheet for The Flying Circus would be great. Considering all the moving parts it's rather daunting to play without one.
A sheet for the second edition of the Doctor Who RPG would be great! The new edition was released recently but I can't imagine it would be too drastic an update - they changed some skills (but there is still the same amount of them) and made the faces of the die you roll more key in determining success/failure so having this show up prominently in the chat log would be great!
Hey there, I know a handful of people have already requested BESM 4E's sheet, but due to a game my s/o is intending to run quite soon/his upcoming bday and his love for the system and his desire to use it for other one shots I'd like to offer a bounty/request to commission someone to get a sheet not onlymade but hopefully something quite nice that could also possibly integrate some elements from the Extras book as well (I can provide needed data/references).&nbsp; Bounty is negotiable based on the rates of the creator as long as they can show me examples of their work/we can discuss together and make an agreement, so I'm sure it could possibly run $50-100+++ depending on the complexity and I have no problem paying a person for their effort/work put into their art.&nbsp; Please reach out to me if you're interested tackling and discussing this.
Has anyone made a character sheet for Magpie Games Root RPG? Would like to run and online game in the near future would be great if I had some cool sheets!
Hola, buenas No me aclaro muy bien en Ingles, asi que lo pondre en castellano (paso de poner el traductor de google y despues pegaoslo). Creo que es aquí donde he de poner la ficha para que alguien (un hijo del trueno o diosa del metal o lo más mejor), la pase al formato roll 20 y podamos jugar a rol. El juego es el Linaje de Dayala y ofreco 100 Euros a quien la pase.&nbsp; La ficha es ta en idioma castellano (spanish language). Y todas las + que salgan son operaciones, Todos los cuadraditos son rellenables, y las lineas y tablas tambien. Un saludo Y gracias. ya me deciis, si la he liado mucho poniendo esto aqui,
Galaxies in Peril sheets would be nice. Or, Darkly through the labyrinth, too.
Hello everyone, I am asking to renew the request for a Worlds Without Number option to the Stars Without Number sheet. It would only require tweaking the psionics/space magic system into the format for WWN High Magic, as well as putting in the details for the new Foci. As it stands now, the sheet isn't really usable for magic users, as the psionics macros and system data is not compatible with WWN's magic. The game has a free version which has the relevant rules, found here:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Thank you for reading this post, and have a wonderful day!

Edited 1631840621
Hi all, I would like to put in a request for a character sheet for a cyberpunk RPG setting called Corporation. It is quite underrated from I have read so far about it and I was looking to setting up a campaign for it. You work for different corps from around the world in the year 2500 and each have unique setups for your party. It is a pretty simple game system where your roles consist of rolling two d10s for checks and a percentage (e.g. If you have a 70% chance of hacking a terminal and you role a 70 or lower you pass). There is also a lot of neat and interesting equipment and abilities you can utilize and pretty much can create your own kind of class. Other neat editions is you can have sympathy skills where you can take a higher skill and combine it with another skill that is similar to help you pass checks (e. g. A player is trying to make a poison and uses the higher skill "Science 8" and a lower sympathy skill "Medicine 4"). Using the higher skill and adding in your sympathy (divide by 2, round down) it can be used to reinforce that check. Finally there is a skill which you can designate it as your "profession" if you have it high enough, where if you roll any doubles (e.g. roll both d10s as 2/2 etc.) you get a critical success and you can never receive a critical fail penalty for rolling two 10s. Here I will provide more information and resources for those that are curious about the game itself: Wikipedia Article For Corporation Corporation resources including the character sheet itself Purchasing both the PDF and/or book via Drivethrurpg If anyone is interesting in creating the character sheet for roll20 I am more than willing to pay for your time as well! Thank you!!
a sheet for the new Forged In The Dark game Disaster/Peace would be great
Cortex Prime, please.
Sheet Author
Chris Newton said: Cortex Prime, please. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
I want to add a request for a Dark Conspiracy character sheet.&nbsp; I don't know if the David that posted before me is the same David that created the Twilight 2000 V2.2 character sheet or the author of the one that i found on Github that mentioned the possibiility of a Dark Conspiracy option, but if they are then i'm puttin out a plea to you, to do a Dark Conspiracy version.&nbsp; I'd even be happy using the Twilight 2000 sheet if there could be an extra ability slot added for Empathy and spaces so I could write in the skills.&nbsp; Unfortunately my programming skills are none existant so there is no way I can even try and plug in the Twilight 2000 code from Github and try and work out how to change it to make a custom character sheet, I realised i just don't know where to start.
I would like to request an update to the Chronicles of Darkness character sheets for Mummy the Curse 2nd Edition. My players have waited years for the new releases and the old version of the sheet doesn't cut it.
Hello all! I'm not sure if I'm doing this right but I'd like to request a sheet for a game called Infinity's Edge since I have checked both the existing character sheets and character sheet requests and noone has done so yet. Which is a shame, because the premise is very interesting! Unfortunately, due to the state of the world currently and other factors, I wouldn't be able to compensate an author for the time or effort. Infinity's Edge is a D100 system that means to emulate litrpg's, or Isekai setting, meaning the pc's are aware that they're in a game or that the setting functions like a game, which adds a whole meta-level to the game.&nbsp; In the game, skill checks are made by rolling a d100 and attempting to get below the DC (which starts at 65), which is increased by your Attribute's 10 digit and the skill rank of any skills related to the check (so an attack roll with strength 10 and Swords 3 would look like: Roll 1d100 vs (65+1+3) and attempting to hit lower. I wouldn't expect there to be anything complex, maybe a section where the player can type in the base DC and checkboxes next to attributes and skills to add their bonuses to it when they roll as a way to keep gameplay smooth (The unofficial RWBY tabletop sheet does this and I think it's fantastic). The official character sheet is available for free at: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I can also provide a copy of the rules if needed.&nbsp;

Edited 1633447458
A character sheet for The One Ring 2nd Edition would be grand! Now that the Kickstarter backers have received their ready to be published PDFs of the core book and starter set, I'm sure games using this new version of TOR will start to crop up. Also, while I'm at it. If some kind soul would make new, better versions of the Mongoose Traveller 1e and 2e sheets (or just 2e), it would be stellar (pun intended). The old sheets are clunky, somewhat buggy (e.g. one of my players lost all skill data from the 1e sheet) and not very easy on the eyes.
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Tommi said: A character sheet for The One Ring 2nd Edition would be grand! It already exists in the dropdown menu, under the name The One Ring Second Edition, it's fairly new. Heard it's pretty basic, but based on the TOR 1E sheet.
Andreas J. said: Tommi said: A character sheet for The One Ring 2nd Edition would be grand! It already exists in the dropdown menu, under the name The One Ring Second Edition, it's fairly new. Heard it's pretty basic, but based on the TOR 1E sheet. Tried it and it is pretty raw and barebones, a beta version if you will, but will do in a pinch. Hopefully the author will update it soon as it needs some "tidying up" at the very least.

Edited 1633509491
Sheet Author
Tommi said: Andreas J. said: Tommi said: A character sheet for The One Ring 2nd Edition would be grand! It already exists in the dropdown menu, under the name The One Ring Second Edition, it's fairly new. Heard it's pretty basic, but based on the TOR 1E sheet. Tried it and it is pretty raw and barebones, a beta version if you will, but will do in a pinch. Hopefully the author will update it soon as it needs some "tidying up" at the very least. Because it was made using the beta. Creating a character sheet for&nbsp; a game that has been released 6 days ago to Kickstarter backers&nbsp; &nbsp; that meet the standards that live in your head is a daunting task especially since the sheet creator will have to&nbsp; pay for the honor of fulfilling your needs.
David said: Tommi said: Andreas J. said: Tommi said: A character sheet for The One Ring 2nd Edition would be grand! It already exists in the dropdown menu, under the name The One Ring Second Edition, it's fairly new. Heard it's pretty basic, but based on the TOR 1E sheet. Tried it and it is pretty raw and barebones, a beta version if you will, but will do in a pinch. Hopefully the author will update it soon as it needs some "tidying up" at the very least. Because it was made using the beta. Creating a character sheet for&nbsp; a game that has been released 6 days ago to Kickstarter backers&nbsp; &nbsp; that meet the standards that live in your head is a daunting task especially since the sheet creator will have to&nbsp; pay for the honor of fulfilling your needs. Hey, I meant no disrespect. I was just hoping to get an update soon-ish or whenever the author has the time for it. English is not my first language so my post might have come out as harsh, but it was not my intent. Apologies if that's how it reads.
Now that the The One Ring Second Edition it's out, I hope to see an upgraded character sheet, maybe with the original template! It's my dream, but I know we have to wait! &nbsp;

Edited 1634836187
Hello :) I'm cross posting this as per the suggestion on the&nbsp;&nbsp; How to make things easier for Sheet Authors &nbsp; page My company Outrider Studios is looking for someone to build character sheets for our lineup of games. The games include Warbids, Remnants and Edge, all the character sheets can be found here .&nbsp;We are looking to hire someone and are willing to pay for the work. Please DM me with a quote if your interested. Here is my original post with a few more details: Post
Gamma World 4E:$350 bounty. I have the 4E rule book in PDF if you need it. &nbsp;Unfortunately, I studied Mechanical Engineering before Personal computers were commonly available. &nbsp;So, I have 0 coding skills and need to hire out this invaluable service.
Anyone have an Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20 character sheet?
Sheet Author
Keith W. said: Anyone have an Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20 character sheet? There already is one.&nbsp; Well, one comes up in the list when I enter cthulhu as a filter, so you should give it a shot and see if it works for you.
Kraynic said: Keith W. said: Anyone have an Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20 character sheet? There already is one.&nbsp; Well, one comes up in the list when I enter cthulhu as a filter, so you should give it a shot and see if it works for you. The only Achtung! Cthulhu character sheet is for the FATE version of the game. &nbsp;The new version af Achtung! Cthulhu uses the 2d20 system. &nbsp;While there are 2d20 games with characters systems, A!C is not one of them. Second the wish for a A!C 2d20 character sheet.
Could someone make a Neon Blood Character Sheet?
Sheet Author
&nbsp; How to make things easier for Sheet Authors &nbsp;

Edited 1635477801
Cyrens Maps
Marketplace Creator
Paleomythic by Osprey Roleplaying! Simple Game that has similiar mechanics as Free League games (Much simpler though). You have Traits and Flaws. When you roll to do anything you roll as many d6 dice as you have Traits. If you have a Trait that is relevant to the test you add a die. If a Flaw is relevant to a test you subtract a die. You succeed if any die in a test is a 6. And that's it really :P. What would be needed is a way to checkmark which traits and flaws you have plus if a trait has a Wound, a button for rolling that checks how many Trait checkmarks (that's not Wounded) there are (With query for extra added or subtracted dice), maybe some fields for weapons, armor, equipment and talents (Not really necessary, but nice). Link to the character sheet:&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> . I know this might not be simple at all but I hope it is! It's an awesome lesser known game and I highly recommend it! I would be willing to buy the pdf for whoever takes this project on :)
An update to the Omega games (Talislanta, Atlantis, Godsend Agenda) character sheet would be greatly appreciated. There's a sheet, it's serviceable, but the weapon section doesn't work correctly.&nbsp; The current sheet&nbsp; doesn't have the means to incorporate Talislanta: The Savage Lands &nbsp;that has slightly different features from previous Talislanta editions. It would be nifty if when setting the sheet, it 'hid' features from the other games, and 'showed' the features for the current game. For example, Atlantis the Second Age has multiple fields for Hero Points , Talislanta does not have this feature.&nbsp; Thank you for considering this.

Edited 1636059659
Requesting a character sheet for Dark Matter by Mage Hand Press (5e), just to keep the mentions/requests recent and relevant. The Dark Matter module "Conspiracy in the Stars" available in the Marketplace simply uses the standard fantasy 5e sheet, which is a disappointment.
Hello there Could you guys make a sheet for ABEA( a bandeira do elefante e da ararra) and Daemon system?&nbsp;

Edited 1636368719
Sheet Author
Fonseca Hc said: Hello there Could you guys make a sheet for ABEA( a bandeira do elefante e da ararra) and Daemon system?&nbsp; Both already have sheets.
I'll put a request in for a character sheet for In Nomine. While there technically is one, it apparently linked to an offsite image for all its content, which is now gone. So the sheet is just blank. (It was also in Spanish but that's another situation).

Edited 1637274034
I would like to put in a request for Ultramodern 5 by Dias Ex Machine games. All it requires is a couple tweaks to the regular 5e sheet to accommodate new skills. However that is accomplished, I don't know, but that is an important 5e sub-system.&nbsp;
I would like to request an English &nbsp;version of the Aquelarre sheet. There is already a Spanish version , but not only Spanish-speakers play the game now. I would also like to request a Fists and .45s! character sheet.
Marketplace Creator
Connor S. said: There are a lot of Ubiquity Sheets already available, however a Space 1889 (Ubiquity Version) sheet would be incredibly welcome. +1
Hello,&nbsp; Did this once before and had great luck, so trying again. I am looking to commission (I suppose the term to use is "bounty"?) someone to make a custom character sheet for my custom game.&nbsp; If you are interested, please let me know. Cheers! P.S. If this is in the wrong place, please let me know.

Edited 1638216992
Ultramodern seems very interesting! I wouldn't mind seeing a good sheet for that either.
Sheet Author
citard (P) said: I would like to request an English &nbsp;version of the Aquelarre sheet. There is already a Spanish version , but not only Spanish-speakers play the game now. I would also like to request a Fists and .45s! character sheet. Hello, I can translate this Aquelarre sheet, I let You know in private message when its done and also pulled to github by roll20 team.
Someone mentioned this before but no answer was ever given, but i would also like a&nbsp; gamma world 4th edition character sheet to use. the 3rd ED one does not allow for mutant animals differing stats or for even the editing of stats at all. It would be great if you all could remedy this or at least point me to a sheet that would work with Gamma World 4th ED . thankyou
Yes please to Gamma World 4th Ed character sheet.&nbsp; The wife and I would like to play in John L's game&nbsp; :)