Sarah Rebecca Cohen said: My understanding is that Ctrl-L has been a GM-only feature from the beginning, although there's a thread in the Suggestions forum requesting that players have access to it as well (for determining line-of-sight when they control multiple tokens): <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> (Started 6 years ago, most recent post one month ago, 64 votes.) My biggest concern is that this being here makes me feel as if I'm missing something [Link] - and when I was an active DM about 2-3 years ago, I was certain my players could too. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> (apparently, this page was last modified on 21 May 2021 - idk when the Line of Sight bit was added) [Link reads] Pressing "Ctrl/Cmd+L" : as Player: lets you see the character's "Line of Sight" as player, if you have two or more characters at your possession. As GM: shows the selected token's "line of sight" it would have when Dynamic Lighting is enabled on the current page. Doesn't display player's view exactly! Use either a Dummy Account , or re-join the game as player, to make sure how it looks on the player's side. ...Added my bump to the suggestions thread - good to see I'm not the only one feeling this way