Hello, I am bothered by the "space management" between the VTT (i.e. the map), the character sheet, and the right pane (with the chat, compendium ...etc). For me, you spend most of the game in theater of the mind, with your character sheet opened so that you can roll easily something, or take notes, and during combat, you switch from the map view to your character sheet. This is especially true for a player that usually has only one character sheet. Roll20 is somehow built the opposite, where the VTT is "the cornerstone", always displayed, and you juggle between character sheet windows on top of it, that you move around, set dimension, and expand collapse. Even during combat, the way I'd want to deal ideally with my turn is : 1-Move (i.e. you need to see the VTT) 2- Make most of my actions (i.e. you need the character sheet) The "pop-out" functionality (available in certain browser), only partially solves this issue because: Queries (i.e. questions sent to you by the system with a ?{}) display only on the window that hosts the VTT The right pane with the chat and so on doesn't appear on the pop-out. It makes that you can't just stay on your character sheet most of the game, and return to the VTT, and the only workaround to that is to keep your character sheet floating on the VTT, and continuously move it, collapse/expand, redimension according to your needs. Last but not least regarding navigation, more for the GM, is the right pane, where you need constantly the chat, but occasionally the journal or compendium. Suggestions for improvements When character sheet is popped out (so that you can actually do everything from the popped out character sheet) Allow display of the right pane (chat/journal etc...) so that you can see your roll results Display the queries also on the popped out character sheet Allow initiative to be rolled without selected token (i.e. send back the initiative to the tracker of the linked token) Split views within the main windows Allow a split view of the left pane (along a vertical line), where you can have character sheets and the VTT splitting the space instead of the character sheet on top of the map, with the possibility to redimension as you want Allow a split view of the right pane along an horizontal line (chat on the bottom, and for example the journal on the top), so that the GM can navigate between its NPCs, while always having an eye on the roll results. Hope you like the idea