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Help with Dice roller on a custom character sheet

Chris Jones
Sheet Author
Hi all I've built a custom character sheet for an upcoming game i'm going to be running - mainly to track health, and resources, but i've also put a basic dice roller in there to make it easy for players to roll dice at the set difficulties - this all works fine. the current script is:             <tr>                 <td colspan="3">                      <label style="width: 90px;display: inline-block; padding-right: 0px">CL6:</label>                     <button class="sheet-diebutton-simple" type="roll"  value=" [[ [[?{Roll Dice|6}]]d6>6 ]]"                         name="roll_InlineDice"></button>                     </div> Where i'm having an issue is with the display part of it. i get this: Which tells me what i want to know, however i have to hover over the number to see the actual dice results - not the end of the world, but it will be annoying as we do need to see this in order to check for doubles and reroll opportunities. No, if i just use the simple dice roller that's built in, it shows me the dice results nice and clearly on the screen, while i could just use that, it'd be nice if i could just replicate that view with my existing buttons. Is their a straightforward way to achieve this? Cheers Chris
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
I think you could do this with the Custom Dice Parsing feature that's just been released on Dev yesterday:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Also, instead of using an inline roll, try changing the button code to: &lt;button class="sheet-diebutton-simple" type="roll"&nbsp; value=" /r ?{Roll Dice|6}]]d6&gt;6" name="roll_InlineDice"&gt;&lt;/button&gt; That will show the dice rolls in the chat window.
Chris Jones
Sheet Author
Thanks for the replies - the first option is way above my level of understanding i'm afraid! :) @finderski - i tried your option, however when clicking the button, i got my popup to select how many dice, but nothing ever appeared in the chat window - it's basically rolling nothing
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Chris J said: Thanks for the replies - the first option is way above my level of understanding i'm afraid! :) @finderski - i tried your option, however when clicking the button, i got my popup to select how many dice, but nothing ever appeared in the chat window - it's basically rolling nothing Looks like I have a typo... &lt;button class="sheet-diebutton-simple" type="roll"&nbsp; value=" /r [[?{Roll Dice|6}]]d6&gt;6" name="roll_InlineDice"&gt;&lt;/button&gt; I was missing the opening brackets around the query. This might also work: &lt;button class="sheet-diebutton-simple" type="roll"&nbsp; value=" /r ?{Roll Dice|6}d6&gt;6" name="roll_InlineDice"&gt;&lt;/button&gt; The second option I just removed the inline roll brackets completely.
Chris Jones
Sheet Author
@finderski - you're a legend- that woked perfectly! :) thanks so much