Hello all, the game in question will be run in a hombrew 5e world set in the world of Theros. I have a huge love for all thngs greek and have been running a campaign set in the world for over a year now. I really want to continue to build this world and would love help from creative players. I make custom maps and welcome creative ideas, builds, and items. I want to work with you to build a character that the entire party will remember. Enough of that; the setting.
A time of great peace has ended in the realm of Theros, the Polis are at war. Fulfilling a great prophecy an outcast Leonin, Metpo, has completed a test set forth by Mogis. He was in the moment proclaimed the King of all minotaurs. Unkown to him that event set forth a string of events that has led to an all conflict in the northern reaches of Theros.
The Leonins and Minotaurs now wage a war that has lasted 1.5 years with no signs of slowing up, and the rest of the realm is slowing slipping into chaos.
How will you fit in?
The party will be a band of adventures who will have a group patronage to a new demi god in the realm Aurelia Toa Goa. Each player will begin at level one and will have a "Heroic Start" or a "Dark Gift" if it fits into your characters backstory well. character creation will be using variant rules, most races welcome (if you can convince me with a good backstory), point buy, and a free starting feat. i am pretty open to ideas with builds if you want to get complex.
final note, all players are welcome, new or old. Day of the week will depend, but i would love for alternating Wednesdays and a game one Friday a month. Price to play will be 5 dollars a game. I will be hosting a free session 0 to introduce the world and go over character introductions. Message me here for more information and we can start building together.