I have a script that was working fine until recently, and I narrowed the problem down to a sendChat call where I'm trying to display the value of a repeating attribute for a character. I simplified the script to basically just do this (to confirm): sendChat(name, '/w gm @{Vonn Dre Crenn|repeating_profession_$0_professiontotal}'); When this line gets hit the script crashes, with this error: ReferenceError: sheetInfo is not defined
at eval (eval at <anonymous> (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:165:1), <anonymous>:668:30)
at String.replace (<anonymous>)
at _substituteShortForms (eval at <anonymous> (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:165:1), <anonymous>:653:40)
at eval (eval at <anonymous> (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:165:1), <anonymous>:710:14)
at String.replace (<anonymous>)
at Object.d20.textchat.doChatInput (eval at <anonymous> (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:165:1), <anonymous>:549:29)
at sendChat (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:1879:16)
at apiscript.js:8225:7
at eval (eval at <anonymous> (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:161:1), <anonymous>:65:16)
at Object.publish (eval at <anonymous> (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:161:1), <anonymous>:70:8) Anyone else seeing similar issues or have any ideas for a workaround?