AddCustomTurn v0.1.1 AddCustomTurn provides an easy way to add (and remove) custom turns which increment or decrement, and have auto delete features. Commands !act [<formula> | [<initial>]] <--<custom turn name>> [--delete-on-zero | --delete-lt <number> | --delete-le <number> | --delete-eq <number> | --delete-ge <number> | --delete-gt <number> | --after | --index <number> | --help] Add a custom turn to the Turn Order, with options for adjusting it each turn, and removing it when it has a specified value. Positional Arguments <formula> -- The formula for changing the turn. + or - prepended to the number specify the direction. ( Default : +1 ) <initial> -- The initial value for the custom turn. ( Default : 0 ) Dash Arguments --<custom turn name> -- The name of the custom turn to add. --delete-on-zero -- deletes the custom turn when its value is less than or equal to 0. Shorthand for --delete-le 0 . --delete-lt <number> -- deletes the custom turn when its value is less than <number> . --delete-le <number> -- deletes the custom turn when its value is less than or equal to <number> . --delete-eq <number> -- deletes the custom turn when its value is equal to <number> . --delete-ge <number> -- deletes the custom turn when its value is greater than or equal to <number> . --delete-gt <number> -- deletes the custom turn when its value is greater than <number> . --after -- adds the custom turn after the current turn. Shorthand for --index 1 . --index <number> -- adds the custom turn after the entry at index <number> . --help -- Shows the Help screen. !dct [<custom turn name> | --help] Remove a custom turn from the turn order by name. When used by the GM, removes the first custom turn with the given name. When used by a player, removes the first custom turn they created with the given name. Positional Arguments <custom turn name> -- The name of the custom turn to remove. Dash Arguments --help -- Shows the Help screen. Examples Add a turn that just counts up. Custom turn names can contain spaces: !act --Counter for Rounds Add a turn that counts down from 10: !act -1 10 --Bless Add a turn that counts down from 10 and is after the first item in the turn order (All examples are the same): !act -1 10 --Bless --after !act -1 10 --Bless --index 1 !act -1 10 --after --Bless !act -1 10 --index 1 --Bless Add a turn that counts down from 10 and removes itself when it reaches 0 (All examples are the same): !act -1 10 --Bless [Bob the Slayer] --delete-on-zero !act -1 10 --Bless [Bob the Slayer] --delete-le 0 !act -1 10 --delete-on-zero --Bless [Bob the Slayer] !act -1 10 --delete-le 0 --Bless [Bob the Slayer] Supports multi-line syntax by wrapping with {{ and }} : !act -1 10 {{ --Bless [Bob the Slayer] --delete-on-zero --after }} Removing a turn named Bless : !dct Bless Removing a turn named Bless [Bob the Slayer] : !dct Bless [Bob the Slayer] Github link: <a href="https://github.com/shdwjk/Roll20API/blob/master/AddCustomTurn/AddCustomTurn.js" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/shdwjk/Roll20API/blob/master/AddCustomTurn/AddCustomTurn.js</a> Available on the 1-click soon. Support my work on If you use my scripts, want to contribute, and have the spare bucks to do so , go right ahead. However, please don't feel like you must contribute just to use them! I'd much rather have happy Roll20 users armed with my scripts than people not using them out of some sense of shame. Use them and be happy, completely guilt-free! Disclaimer: This Patreon campaign is not affiliated with Roll20; as such, contributions are voluntary and Roll20 cannot provide support or refunds for contributions.