Erik Bjornharta said: I am having major issues with dynamic lighting and it has become unusable. Even a map that is 25 x 25 with just three large rooms, no extra stuff, barely any lines is so laggy and jerking around that it takes almost 5 mins to move a token, open it's character sheet and roll a single attack. This problem does not exist on any other map without dynamic lighting, even a map I have that is 85 x 56 loaded with tokens has no issues. This completely wrecks all caves, mazes, castles etc, anything in doors that my party has to go through. I have looked into all the trouble shooting or suggestions and even deleted half my NPC character sheets, nothing improves it. Only 2 tabs on browser and discord running on comp. I've been using dynamic lighting for the whole campaign, since it was launched / renamed from fog of war, no issues until last 2 weeks. Why is dynamic lighting a brick now? Hi Erik! Try checking your browser to see if Hardware Acceleration has been toggled off. I have heard anecdotal reports of this being re-set when the browser updates. There are no widespread reports of sudden DL lag, so it's likely a setting you can control. Also check to make sure your browser/computer is WebGL compliant (almost all are, but it doesn't hurt to check.) Edit: This page has some links that might help.