The first caution I like to give to any GM using dynamic lighting is about Ctrl-L: it does not give you a player's view of a token!!!. Which leads into this great Tip from keithcurtis: Creating a Dummy Account (and why).
Here's a quick troubleshooting checklist for making sure you have lighting set up:
- Make sure you are using Chrome or Firefox.
- Make sure you are set to only use either Updated Dynamic Lighting or Legacy Dynamic Lighting, not both.
- Token must have vision enabled.
- Token must be 'controlled' by the player who is checking vision.
- You should use a 'dummy account' in order to see changes live/instantaneously when you make them as GM. There are other benefits as well (streaming, testing macros and other tricks, resetting the game URL).
- There needs to be a light source.
- Tokens always emit light from the center of the token -- in LDL it comes from a small point in the center of the image, and in UDL it comes from a circle that is some small percentage of the image size -- so if you set the map image as a light source, you'll get some funky behavior.
- Token and light source need to be on the correct layers.
- Make sure you don't have a Fog of War/Permanent Darkness layer on.
- Make sure you don't have Advanced Fog of War/Explorable Darkness blocking vision.
- Page 'Cell Width' settings can have an affect on a token's vision, especially if the 'light multiplier' is set to something other than 100%. Switch the Cell Width to '1' and see what happens.
- Check random other page settings, such as 'Restrict Movement'
There's a lot of gems in the Roll20 Tips and Tricks (Innovative Solutions to Common Problems) for a variety of things, but I've included a list of a few specifically for Dynamic Lighting here:
Party Sight Token - Marius
Put building Interiors on Token Layer with AFoW - Taran
Droppable Torch Token - Gimblejam
Placeable Light Sources & Spell Radii - Blue64
Invisible Tokens - Hidden Light Source - El Gato of de Churros and others
Make Doors on DL Layer Clear to Players - godthedj
Noises in the Dark - Devin S.
Light Crumbs - keithcurtis
Darkness Spell Orb - Avi
The Beholder Anti Magic Field - keithcurtis
Note: if you're visiting the Tips and Tricks thread, here's a request from ketihcurtis:
Please only post a complete "stupid trick" here. If you want help working out what might become a trick, start it it in its own thread and please post here when complete. If you just wish to express thanks to someone who just solved a great mystery for you, that's fine—people need recognition for contributing Cool Stuff. Also, feel free to point out refinements or warnings about existing tricks. Every little bit helps. If your post is strong enough, I'll link it on the same line as the referenced post in the index. Just don't clutter the thread with too many thanks and especially long strings of quoted text and images. Help keep this thread clean, organized, and easy to read.