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Chrome update: issues with games


Edited 1626903699
UPDATE In a recent update by Chrome, a limit was implemented for "WebMediaPlayers." This limit is 75 for Desktop and 40 for Mobile. This change places a limitation on the number of Animations, active  Jukebox tracks (sound playing), and WebRTC. We have implemented a solution that should allow majority of games to load without issue. However, a high number of animations, simultaneous jukebox tracks, or WebRTC connections can approach this limit. This limit is additive. So 20 animations, 2 active jukebox tracks, and 5 WebRTC connections will mean 27 instances contributing towards that limit. Workarounds 1. Switch to Firefox. Firefox has not implemented this limit so you should see no change. 2. Disable animations from within the in-game settings menu. If you have a page using a high number of animations this will cause them to load as still images and no longer contribute to the limit. You can do this by opening your game > Navigate to the "Cog wheel" in the right-side pane > Scroll down to "Enable animated graphics" and deselect > refresh the page. We're aware of the latest Chrome update potentially affecting games (such as animations not working, the voice & video not connecting, Jukebox), and are diving in further to investigate. We'll update as we learn more! For now, if you're experiencing any issues we recommend using Firefox or another browser.
As of this morning in Firefox i could not load the first 5 different games i tried to open due to Uncaught TypeError: d20ext.finalPageLoad is not a function
Hey Martijn S, That error code is often due to a browser extension interfering with the page loading. If you have any extensions, try disabling them and retrying. If that doesn't fix the issue please send us a line over at the Help Center with your Console log so we can take a closer look!

Edited 1627500508
Sorry for the late reply: The issue was gone about 4 hour laters. For the record, I use no extensions. Thank your for replying.
Is this additive limit only counting animations on the page a person currently has open, or does it add animations from all pages in the campaign?
I am coming across moments where roll20 works fine on my iPad, and then for a week it will tell me that chrome is not supported for a week and I can’t work on my games while on my tablet. This is very troublesome. Cause I literally do nothing different and it just decides to not work.
I know it REALLY effects the music, I used to be able to just click on the auto play down the folder list, now it only does 1 song and does not progress!! YIEKES Tom
I can't load any of my games on Chrome.  I run no animations, or extensions, but every single game I try to load just hangs indefinitely.  I tried Firefox and it worked, but I'd really rather not revert to that browser if I can avoid doing so.
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Check for Chrome extensions that might be in conflict. Do games load in Chrome in a private browsing window?
I disabled all my extensions, updated Chrome, and still get the hanging issue.  The message is always different, but the screen is always the same.  None of my players have this issue on any browser.
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Does it likely have any correlation with the subject of the thread (Do all of your games have a large number of WebMediaPlayers)? If not, then I would suggest filling out a  Help Center Request , after verifying that the issue is not due to interfering extensions. (Try loading in a private browsing window).
I am still having issues where my players using Chrome are suddenly able to see the entire map. Please advise. Thank you
keithcurtis said: Does it likely have any correlation with the subject of the thread (Do all of your games have a large number of WebMediaPlayers)? If not, then I would suggest filling out a  Help Center Request , after verifying that the issue is not due to interfering extensions. (Try loading in a private browsing window). I did, over a week ago, no response.
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Roger S. said: keithcurtis said: Does it likely have any correlation with the subject of the thread (Do all of your games have a large number of WebMediaPlayers)? If not, then I would suggest filling out a  Help Center Request , after verifying that the issue is not due to interfering extensions. (Try loading in a private browsing window). I did, over a week ago, no response. What I was getting at is that this thread is about a bug with the number of webmedia players. Does your issue have anything to do with that? And when you say "I did" do you also mean you tried running in a private browsing window? When you say "no response" do you mean not even the automated response, or no human response?