Your Character Matters You spend time & thought on your character. You get invested in them. You build a whole internal world for this person you create. Wouldn't it be great to actually play that out? Lady Midnight is a D&D Homebrew built to invest in your character. The game runs level 1-10. We will shape the campaign to evolve your story and really let it play out. If you want to invest in a character arc, this is your game. The setting is Faerûn, beginning in Seacomber (a small town east of Waterdeep). You have a patron, the half-elf wizard Alveron, who is invested in your future. Who is your character and how did they come to have a powerful wizard as a mentor? You may already have a character in mind. If not, here are a few questions to prime the pump: Is there someone you love? Someone you hate? Someone who stole from you? A secret identity? Bounty on your head? Another mentor or patron? A tribe, guild, or sect that's looking for you? A noble who would prefer you were dead? A shameful past? Enslaved or ensorcelled? A criminal history with an unwritten ending? Someone who saved you? A competitor? A fatal flaw? Do you want revenge? Something to prove? A lover done you wrong? Someone you left behind? Take some thought about the emotions you want to experience. Redemption? Heroism? Love? Competition? Generosity? Justice? Friendship? Who do you want to be? Apply in this thread only. Briefly summarize your character's story and what they want. Include a note about yourself as a player. 6-Player Limit Session Zero is free to make sure Players enjoy each other before we begin. Lady Midnight is designed to bring a disparate group of people together with a common goal. Their fates are drawn together by the ties that bind their history and their future. The story is a world-ranging tale of adventure, tragedy, humor & danger. A tale for bards to tell in the decades to come. Here be dragons. This game will require payment to the Game Master at a rate of $60 per month via Patreon. Roll20 is not responsible for any payment transactions and cannot enforce any private arrangements.