Jip said:
This is after moving to and from a freshly made NPC sheet, stats dragged from compendium, with a druid character made less than a week ago, no additional wildshape features added on to the sheet.
It is at the very least 'pulling' information from the PC sheet to the NPC sheet. My running theory is that it's constantly setting the values to 16 while the PC sheet has NPC sheets in the journal that it's tied to. Because once I disable the API and remove the NPC sheet the API has made, the sheet turns back to normal. So there is something that's keeping the sheet 'locked'.
hey Jip, i am the one that created the WildShape script, i don't support it anymore because i've moved my DMing to foundry and don't have a pro subscription here anymore so i can't test any changes at all, but i wanted to clarify something.
I never modify anything on your character sheet, i only change things on the token and on copies of target Shapes (both PCs or NPCs); the "copyAttribute" messages that you see happens because when you shapeshift some attributes are always copied over from your shifter to your shape (just in case the shifter has different stats since last time it transformed into that shape), but the original sheet is never touched (at least as far as i can remember)
Also, the only time the script does something is when you issue a wildshape command and/or you add a shifter/shape, there is no logic "running all the time" or locking things out
EDIT: Looking at the code quickly, the one instance i see that might create a problem and override data on your original sheet is if your shifter is an NPC and it's also marked as "IsDruid" in the settings (by default this is always false).
There is a quick fix for that in case that's your problem, you want to change line 1201 in WildShape.js from
if (shifterSettings[WS_API.FIELDS.ISDRUID])
if (!isTargetDefault && shifterSettings[WS_API.FIELDS.ISDRUID])