Hello ladies and gentlemen. By now at least .0000000001% have run into me (and that is being statistically generous). I am seeing a lot of new faces here in the forums and of course this thrills me! This topic is about two things: 1 Finding Players 2 Finding at least one other DM to keep runs rolling. Pretty simple I think? Well it would be, if not for that awesome thing called real life. I have to work, you have to work, go to school, pick up the kids from soccer, etc. etc. etc. The point being my schedule might not always fit yours, but that's ok. The way my campaign is currently set up we welcome players with fresh level one characters that they want to play. You are not forced to play any one role because the party doesn't have it, things can be adjusted on the fly for a reason. The times are relatively consistent (2100-2200 starts CST til... well when everyone is tired typically around 0000-0100). *Only restriction is no Psion power classes, at least not at the moment "But Mutt, I work weekdays and 2/3 sessions appear to be during the week!" Never fear brave citizen! If you cannot make it you will not be penalized, you will be missed of course, but it is by no means your fault. Real life comes first. Did I say that loud enough for you? Eh-hemmm REAL LIFE COMES FIRST! "But Mutt, I don't know how to play." Don't worry. This started off as a campaign called "BloodyMutt's Hall of Tutorial Horrors". It was designed for players fresh out of the box. Need help making a character? I'm a message away(even if you don't want to play in the campaign)! "OK, but the game is full tonight..." Feel free to sit in and listen, people might get up and go, or I might sidebar over to your character to let you get some experience in and my current players are quite patient and enjoy letting others shine so long as the story is good. L ooking for DMs What you need to know (After the list is an explanations):
This is my campaign. I know that sounds selfish, but I mean something very specific with it.
Players range in skill from novice to several sessions in already, they have expectations.
There aren't many restrictions, but there are some no-no's
1: There is a theme cast over the campaign, it isn't super-imposed iron-clad branded onto it, but it is there. The idea is that the players are in the middle of rebuilding a guild of adventurers. The main players have thought of a few ways to do this and of course I'll gladly discuss them if you are curious.
2: I drive a pretty encounter heavy campaign when I am DMing. Players must be kept engaged in some sort of challenging something . I have several NPCs that are free to be used at-will for any given reason (logically placed of course). Each player has their say, but the group knows that the Leader's (no, not the healer, the leader of the evening) word in the end is law at least once per session. This has led to WONDERFUL loot and a massive burst of EXP when the group otherwise would have missed out. Players are learning, I am learning, answer questions no matter how mundane. "What's a health surge" "When I kick you in the nuts." = WRONG. But most importantly, my players like to fight linear paths. For the love of Pelor LET them. Be creative. I do most of my encounters that result in this from head-top as at the moment they have two specific types of enemies and remembering each is pretty easy (undead/goblins).
3: Designing a session with the intent of a group kill. You're not a DM you're a sadist. Now, I have done some mean things to my players, but the scale of which must be within reason. Telling a player no when they come up with a clever way to out-wit what you have set up for them (even if they didn't know they had done so). This is not a railroad, let them pass go, let them collect their 200$. FAVORING one player over another is a HELL no. Just because this is Jim-John's first session does not mean his character isn't as important to him as the other guys and gals in your session, let him get his hands dirty. Albeit if the evening you have set up a challenge for Rogues and the group goes through and initiates it and Jim-John is a fighter, consider throwing in some nasties to occupy him while the rogues fiddle with the big-bad-trapped-chest-of-dragon-gold.
If you have made it this far into the thread, give yourself a cookie. If you are interested post here or send me a PM. Note that I said or I get an email either way so please, don't spam me on both. (even better, email me directly! <a href="mailto:theresurgenceoftheguild@gmail.com" rel="nofollow">theresurgenceoftheguild@gmail.com</a> )