Just opening a new thread since the old one timed out. > <a href="https://app.roll20.net/forum/permalink/8460127/" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/forum/permalink/8460127/</a> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AD&D 1E Sheet info and Beta campaign 3/19/24: Test Game Link (open to all) v1.655 beta Continuing to work on implementing changes/features from the suggestion list below. The majority of changes have been added. Join the 1e beta game if you would like test the latest changes. This game is open to the public. You can access existing in-game characters and/or import an existing character. (note: import using your character vault. Make the character(s) have "all players" permissions set prior to export/import so you can control them in the beta game.) Post any bugs comments/suggestions to this thread. Future Suggestions/Ideas for the AD&D 1e sheet These suggestions/ideas are given in no particular order and I make no guarantees if these suggestions can be, or will be, included in future updates. That said, I always try to do my best at accommodating popular suggestions. ;-) ...
AC - additional fields; add additional field(s) for non armor-based bonuses that add to AC. >> IN BETA << AC - flat-footed; include a non-Dex AC. >> IN BETA << Attacks - Add To-hit vs Armor type to repeating attacks; Truth be told, our group opted not to use the weapon vs armor-type or speed factor rules in combat... (gasp) so I might need a refresher. These adjustments only apply vs a given armor-type (so, no dex adjustment, not sure if shields are factored in either) right?. Maybe include a "to-hit vs armor-type row" within each repeating weapon-attack that could be used per weapon/attack to adjust the to-hit/thac0 matrix displayed? But I don't think that actually works since you would need to know the enemy's armor rating (2-10) as well as the Dex reaction mod. Am I overly-complicating this? How are people currently handling this...? hmm @Baron posted how he includes the table info in each weapon's notes as reference. >> IN BETA <<
Attacks - Add Weapon Prof checkbox; add weapon prof vs ac and have it included with the attack and/or auto-adjust to-hit table output. >> IN BETA <<
Bug - item cost; (v1.56 beta) item cost isn’t included unless the “carried” box is checked. >> IN BETA <<
Code - Replace table layout in the sheet with flexbox/CSS-grid; part of conforming to roll20's best practices >> IN BETA << Code/Accessibility - Add localization/translation code; sheet can be used in other languages automatically.
Design - add goldenrod as a background-color option. Old school .
>> IN BETA << Design - increase size of damage input fields; should help to see longer macros ie 1d6+1 .
>> IN BETA << Design - update sheet fonts; add google fonts and allow users to choose which font to use.
Equipment - remove costs or make it a (show/hide) option. >> IN BETA <<
Import - Add a monster parser to handle importing a properly formatted statblock.
Initiative - Adding tokens to the tracker when rolling Initiative from the sheet; Is it safe to assume that adding a linked pc/npc token to the turn tracker automatically from an initiative roll would be acceptable? I can try and make this a sheet option. Also, exposing the Init roll should help if anyone wants to handle initiative a certain way. >> IN BETA << Initiative - d6 or d10 option. >> IN BETA <<
Magic Items - expand upon equipment or add a new section to track magic items. Looking to add a way to track item uses (current/max), a roll button, collapsible textbox for longer description and/or macro-text. >> IN BETA <<
Misc - Wiki sheet guide; basic overview of the sheet by section, roll template info, user macros, etc.
Monster - auto generate hp and xp (HD base + hp).
Monster/NPC - Add a simplified "stat block" style NPC/Monster tab is on the list. Named NPC's would probably still use the PC side of the sheet since they would probably be a little too complex. I'll probably try and share many of the attributes between the PC page and NPC/Monster page to avoid conflicts with peoples existing "NPC/Monsters" they have already created. That said, there may be some new attributes needed/added as well. Won't know for sure until I get into that. >> IN BETA << Multi-Class - expand support to track class specific attributes(HD, XP, etc.) separately . >> IN BETA << QoL - Add another section for an Animal Companion/Familiar/Mount seems beneficial. Not sure if it warrants it's own tab/page as well... Thoughts?
QoL - Add a Notes section/field; self explanatory. >> IN BETA <<
QoL - Auto-generated Token Abilities; auto creating token abilities can be done using class="tokenaction"... but there is no way to make them optional. Meaning, they get added when you create a character and you cannot remove, reorder, or rename, because they have to be coded into the sheet. They show up for all characters regardless if the sheet is NPC/Monster, a Wizard, or whatever. I feel forced token actions are more appropriate for someone's personal game/custom sheet. There are api(pro perk) options as well.
QoL - Convert additional fields to textarea; should allow easier editing and line breaks. >> IN BETA <<
QoL - Expose most sheet rolls for editing; this has already been done in many sections (ie macro-text fields). This should allow for even more roll customization. >> IN BETA <<
QoL - Toggle on/off all non 1e fields; I've wanted to do this for a while since I try to keep that sheet as close to by the book as possible, but I understand there was some cool options that came along soon after the PHB and DMG that are still technically "1e" material.
QoL - add XP bonus; self explanatory. >> IN BETA << QoL - add XP tracking for Multi-class PC's . >> IN BETA <<
>> IN BETA << QoL - add condition/bluff fields; include a method to temp mods and penalties. ie Bless/Curse.
QoL - increase the width of the HP, AC, and Age fields(attack damage, ...). Spell Bonus. Allows for more input. >> IN BETA << QoL/Design - Add tabs to help navigate/filter sheet sections; pretty hard to build a feature-rich sheet without this... (this has somewhat been implemented. PC/NPC tab as well as equipment and spell tabs) >> IN BETA <<
Saves - Add Racial mod to Saves and Resistance; seems beneficial, but again, do you see this as adding a Racial mod field simply for reference (which should only be considered when manually entering the final save's value) or including multiple fields (ie base from table + racial mod + misc mod) that auto-calcs as a "Total Save" used for that save roll? >> IN BETA << Spells - Add a Second Spell Caster section; on the list, but I haven't thought too much about the bets way to implement.
Spells - chat menu spellbook; post a whispered spellbook to chat.
Spells - roll template options; add spell options to toggle which items are displayed with the roll.
Spells - toggle memorized spells; use a checkbox/button to show only memorized spells. >> IN BETA <<
Thief - Add racial mod to Thief Skills; Do you see this as adding a Racial mod field simply for reference (which should only be considered when manually entering the skills final value) or including multiple fields (ie base from table + racial mod + misc mod) that auto-calcs as a "Total" used for that skill roll? What other adjustments/fields might apply? >> IN BETA << Thief - Assassinations Table; Normally, I would just say make a percentage roll and consult the table... How do you see this being used on the sheet? Maybe add an Assassination "table row" w/fields to enter % vs levels 0-18+? So, if an Assassin makes a successful surprise attack, they would then make an Assassination Roll that would, display the assassination row (given a DM may not want to give away the exact hd/lvl of the enemy)? Too much fluff vs a simple roll % and table lookup?
Thief - incorporate the backstab field; determine if there is a way to utilize the backstab attribute. >> IN BETA << Movement/Speed - should scale according to current load/encumbrance. >> IN BETA << Saves and Thief Functions: are now auto-calculated (sheet totals row values) >> IN BETA << Attack Matrix: to hit tables can be auto-populated by class/level to save time. >> IN BETA << ...?