I'm looking for some players and a DM to play in my game that's a combination of rules from other games.  The main idea is that select people in the world are born with superpowers based off of one word. The player gets to pick the word that their power is and they get to come up with their moves. There are no limits to what words can be used no matter how unique, bland, strange, or stupid if you can make a power set for it then it checks out. Powers can range from strait up damage, to support for yourself and others, AOE attacks, manipulating allied or enemy rolls, movement options, it's all up to your own creativity. Your powers aren't your only means of attack though as you will also get to have one weapon of your choosing which should make sense for the character. Weapons can typically do 3-7 damage and that's determined but what the weapon is, for example something like a sword might do 5-6 damage while something like a pillow sack with some weight in it might do 3-4 damage. The weapons can be just as dumb as the powers. Melee weapons can be used an enemy next to the player and ranged weapons can usually be fired from 5 spaces away, and typically do less damage than melee weapons (2-4 damage). There's also no reloading involved with ranged weapons. Also every character can move up to 6 spaces in their turn and then attack, or they can move another 6 spaces without being able to attack that turn. So all together a character sheet will probably look like this: Character Name: Age: Appearance: Backstory: Power Word: (Skill 1): description of skill (Skill 2): description of skill (Skill 3): description of skill (Skill 4): description of skill Weapon: The two stats that every character has are HP and Stamina, HP should be self explanatory and stamina is main what's used to do your skill moves. Depending how devastating the skill will determine how much stamina will be needed. Some skills can also use HP to use them. HP and stam can be increased after a battle encounter, and the type of encounter will determine how much you can increase. For instance a normal fight would let you get either 3 more HP or 5 more stam, while a boss fight might get you 6 HP or 8 stam to choose from. You should probably also have other skill ideas in mind as when you hit certain amounts of stamina you can get new skills, or upgrades for current ones like more damage, or reduced stam\HP cost, or just an upgrade for your weapon. Let's say that each new character starts with like 15 stamina, but like every other rule that could easily be altered later. Like if the DM wanted to make the campaign a little more demanding they could change the starting stamina. BTW rolling a nat 20 automatically gives a character 1 free stamina. To keep things slightly simple here almost everything is dictated by the roll of a d20. From doing damage, using a skill, or attempting a cool backflip, it's all just a d20. The DM will decide what range of numbers you would need to be in to succeed in the situation. Here's the general idea of that: 1- You don't just fail at what you were trying to do, you fail spectacularly 2-5- Standard failure 6-7- You do succeed but not greatly 8-14- Standard success 15-19- Impressive success 20- It's almost impossible how much you just succeeded at something Supporting characters and antagonists also work on all of these rules. The idea for how this would be played is that it would be individual (probably like 1 session) games that sort of link to each other in the same world. This would hopefully give the chance for several interesting story set ups instead of just the one, and so that the players can create new characters if they weren't happy with an old one or bring back one they liked on a whim, it doesn't really matter this is made for fun. There can also be other recurring supporting characters and antagonists. Death is also something that isn't common place in this, it's more common to just get knocked out in a fight. TEXT ONLY, 4 PLAYERS REQUESTED, 1 EXPERIENCED DO (ps. I would want to play in this so technically 5 players)