If you run a long campaign you will have over 100+ maps to maintain. As a DM you also want to group like maps together. ie The Keep of the BBEG with 12 maps of the keep and sub-dungeons) I would use the following structure. {Top level} = <Battle Map 1>, <Battle Map 2>, <Battle Map 3>, <Battle Map 4>, <World Map>, {Folder - World sections }, {Folder - Loaded Maps}, etc... {Folder- World sections } = <West Hemi map>, {Folder - West Hemi}, <East Hemi map>, {Folder - EH} etc... {Folder West Hemi} = <Country 1 Map>, <Country 2 Map>, {Folder - Keep of the BBEG}, etc... {Folder - Keep BBEG} = <Keep F1>, <Keep F2>, <Keep F3>, <Dungeon L1>, <Dungeon L2>, etc... Additional Functionality Being Requested. Add function called "Add Folder " to the "Create New Page" icon, or ask for "New Page" or "New Folder" when click "Creat New" Add a function from the "Page Settings" menu of maps called "Bounce Players Here" that would be like dragging and dropping the Player chevron on a map. This would allow you to quickly focus the players on a map. You would not want the DM to drag and drop the chevron across multiple folder structures. Add feature to drag and drop Pages and Folders in an existing Folder Add feature to drag and drop a Page on another Page to create a Folder, with the two Pages in it Retain the rename feature of Pages for Folders Simple, Elegant, Structured, Organized = Improved game flow and therefore better Player Experience.