The character journals do work kind of sort of OK. I wish they would work a little more... reliably, I suppose is the best word, but... Monsters: 4th Edition and 3.5 AD&D use savings throws a lot. For just your normal every day monsters the best thing to do is just jot them down in a hand out or on a separate piece of paper or even on the GM Overlay if you are using maps. For NPCs, you can do it like a character. Create a character in the journal and use the table or bullet functions and such to keep a nice orderly list of stats for the NPC so you can quickly access them. If you are using the map, you can have 3 attributes show on the tokens. For 3.5 Health and AC are all I really use for most monsters. For 4E you'll need to have Health, Action Points, and perhaps healing surges if your NPC gets any. My main problem with the tables is that I like to use more than one. For example I'll use: STATS Modifier Health: 10 STR 17 +3 Fortitude: +2 Then I'll have some other stuff here. then another table here: Weapon Hit Roll Damage Critical Long Sword +3 +3 19-20/x2 But if I enter one table to add more rows or columns... nothing happens (Chrome and Firefox.) I think it gets confused on which table to add it to or something.