Aimed Fx (with angle: -1) tends to be off when fired at distant targets, using /fx NAME @{selected|token_id} @{target|token_id} For example, the built in Beam effect: {     "maxParticles": 3000,     "size": 15,     "sizeRandom": 0,     "lifeSpan": 15,     "lifeSpanRandom": 0,     "emissionRate": 50,     "speed": 30,     "speedRandom": 7,     "angle": -1,     "angleRandom": 1,     "duration": 25 } When fired at a target token at a diagonal angle, it is noticeably off. Setting a bigger lifeSpan value makes it even more noticeable. Now, the Arrow/Shot effect from Wiki: {     "angle": -1,     "angleRandom": 0,     "duration": 50,     "emissionRate": 1,     "endColour": [20, 0, 0, 0],     "endColourRandom": [10, 0, 0, 0],     "gravity": {"x":0.001, "y":0.001},     "lifeSpan": 300,     "lifeSpanRandom": 100,     "maxParticles": 1,     "size": 10,     "sizeRandom": 1,     "speed": 20,     "speedRandom": 1.5,     "startColour": [10, 0, 0, 1],     "startColourRandom": [5, 0, 0, 0.25] } Exibits a similar error when fired at diagonal targets. Firing directly to the right (Angle 0 in Roill20)? It goes diagonally to up-righ corner instead. Both the selected token and Target token are grid aligned, so the exacly 0 angle must be breaking something. Here is another custom Bolt Fx: {     "angle": -1,     "angleRandom": 0,     "duration": 15,     "emissionRate": 60000,     "endColour": [125, 125, 125, 0],     "endColourRandom": [0, 0, 0, 0],     "lifeSpan": 201,     "lifeSpanRandom": 0,     "maxParticles": 3000,     "size": 1,     "sizeRandom": 0,     "speed": 15,     "speedRandom": 22,     "startColour": [90, 175, 175, 0.35],     "startColourRandom": [0, 0, 0, 0.25] } Behaves the same as Arrow/Shot. Edit: Setting angleRandom to 1 fixes the 'firing wrong at angle 0' bug. Diagonal shoots being slighty off still remains, but its a minor anoyance all considered.