@Mizzri, what do you get when you select that token and type @{selected|spell_save_dc} in chat? I ask because that is correct syntax and seems to work properly for me when I copy your macro into a test game. It seems like it might be a character sheet issue. Note that the --rightsub is just a display. The thing that actually sets the dc is the line --dc|@{selected|spell_save_dc} . @Iron Legion, that spell affects a 5ft square, so the radius should be 2.5ft. Also, you will want to either delete the --forceIntersection line or set it to false., as you will want the spell area to snap to the center of the grid square and not the intersection. Note that using --minTokArea|1 will exclude any large tokens that are in the AoE, as that line require 100% of the token's area to be within the AoE. Not sure if that was your intent.. Another thing, that spell is concentration up to 1min duration, so I would either set --instant|0 or delete that line (the default is non-instant) so that the AoE remains on the map after triggering. Finally, just an FYI you have a couple of lines there that are set to the defaults which could be removed if you want, like --origin|center and --hideNames|FALSE. Hope that helps!