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LFG for Pathfinder Sandbox game Monday @ 5 PM Central

I am running a campaign set in an original world. The races for the most part will be custom. If interested, list your experience in RPGs and Pathfinder and just lemme know why you wanna join my game. Thanks :).
I've played 3.5 for around 10 years. I've played Pathfinder a couple times. I'd love to play.
I'm interested in joining. I've only been playing tabletop games for about two years now, so I'm not exactly an expert but I'm not a total noob either. I've mostly been playing games like Pathfinder and Dnd 3.5, but recently, I've been learning and playing other systems as well.
Also I will need emails and skype names from all applicants so I can invite if chosen
Email: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Skype: JonarodzDT
Sounds like an interesting new adventure! I'd love to see what concepts you have created... :) I've been playing Pathfinder for about 1.5 years now. I have a decent knowledge of the game and enjoy building characters around their own personality, rather than optimizing them. Thanks for the consideration! Skype: ivanpontiff
I've played Pathfinder for a little while. I know the rules pretty well but have yet to play a campaign on roll20. I'm willing to play any class that is needed. I prefer rp heavy games with a lot of rp in combat as well. Skype: pure.impurity
I've played Pathfinder for a decent while, and I have quite the interesting of the rules as well. I'd be willing to try your campaign, but I'd need to know the rules for character creation. My Skype name id diggz1286.

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May I join? I have zero experience but I really want to learn and become active here.