Tiberius and Maximus howl as their brother falls and gnash ferociously at Lindwig's legs. However, only Maximus finds purchase, his teeth meeting jingling mail with little effect as the man kicks the hound off and fells the beast with a slash of his blade.
Nothmund leaps into action, but Muireann is ready and waiting. Before he can take more than two steps and arrow is flying, catching the man in the neck. A morbid gurgling rises from his mouth as he begins choke on his own blood.
Pendgrim takes the opportunity to loose two more arrows at Muireann, one thumps into the side of the barn, but another clips side the bracer of her right arm.
Gundculf twirls his seax, crouching low and stabbing rapidly at Hrothgar's legs. The big man roars in pain and fury as the blows connect, delivering a powerful overhead strike in return. Gundculf barely manages to escape it crashing down on his head, instead merely coming away with a bleeding shoulder.
Beoric hurls himself at Calix, grabbing the Frank's sword arm to hold it at bay as they enter close quarters.
Meanwhile Theodflaed spins to her feet with surprising grace and thrusts her own weapon at Egon's side, but is unable to pass the Kentish man's skillful guard.
Theodwulf maintains his grip on the wailing woman and drags her away from the melee towards the shed where Pendgrim is taking cover.
"Throw down your weapons, or she dies!" He bellows over the clamour, watching carefully for arrows from the barn.