This is a simple script I wrote for my campaign because I didn't like showing actual health-bars with numbers so instead as a tokens HP changes it will add a colored status marker to the token indicating it's general health; starting with green down to red and when they drop below 1 it marks them with the death X marker.
!hs - when used without a selection it will toggle the mod functionality ON or OFF and display this as a whisper in chat.
If you have tokens selected when using this command it will cycle through them all and update them with the current color status (useful if you have a whole page of tokens not yet marked). Tokens will update when you change their HP value automatically.
- If you have bar1 visible to players the token will not update with a status marker, if you hide bar1 from players it will then update status markers.
- Tokens at 100% or greater health will not display any health status marker
- When you toggle the mod OFF it will remove all colored status markers on tokens on the Active Player page only, not specifically the page your currently looking at as a GM.
(click to view full animated GIF)
Updated to (0.5.2)
/** * healthstate.js * * * Copyright 2018: Ben F. * Licensed under the GPL Version 3 license. * * * This script is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * To use type !hs to enable/disable the script, when enabled... * - A token with a health and max health will be flagged with * a color status indicating health state, using green,yellow, * brown,red and finally X (dead). * - Hiding/Showing bar1 to players will enable/disable this effect * on tokens. If players can see bar1 they won't see a status color. * */ var healthstat = healthstat || (function(){ 'use strict'; var handleInput = function(msg) { if ( "api" !== msg.type ) { return; } // Disable/Enable the script activity with !hs if(msg.content.indexOf("!hs") !== -1 ) { if(msg.selected){ log(">> Health Status: Update Selected Tokens"); sendChat('HS','/w gm Updating Selected'); _.each(msg.selected, function(obj) { var token = getObj(obj._type, obj._id); if(state.healthstat.run_state) { handleToken(token); } else { resetStatus(token); } }); } else { if(state.healthstat.run_state) { state.healthstat.run_state = false; log(">> Health Status: OFF"); sendChat('HS','/w gm OFF'); resetAllTokens(); } else { state.healthstat.run_state = true; log(">> Health Status: ON"); sendChat('HS','/w gm ON'); } } } }, handleToken = function(obj) { if( 'graphic' == obj.get('type') && 'token' == obj.get('subtype') && '' != obj.get('bar1_max') ) { if(state.healthstat.run_state && !(obj.get('showplayers_bar1'))) { // If a token with a bar1_max value, show bar1 to players is false, // and the state.run_state is true continue. var token_name = obj.get('name') || ''; var token_hp = (obj.get('bar1_value')) || 0; var token_hp_max = (obj.get('bar1_max')) || 0; // Exit if one of the variables is missing if(!(token_hp_max)) { return; } // Calculate the % of health remaining var token_hp_percent = Math.ceil(((token_hp/token_hp_max)*100)); //log(">> Health Status: "+token_name+" - at "+token_hp_percent+"%"); resetStatus(obj); // Clear all unused status markers if(token_hp_percent >= 100) { // Remove Icon at 100% health resetStatus(obj); } else if (token_hp_percent >= 75 && token_hp_percent <= 99) { // Green Health obj.set("status_green",true); }else if (token_hp_percent >= 50 && token_hp_percent <= 74) { // Yellow Health obj.set("status_yellow",true); } else if (token_hp_percent >= 25 && token_hp_percent <= 49) { // Brown Health obj.set("status_brown",true); } else if (token_hp_percent >= 1 && token_hp_percent <= 24) { // Red Health obj.set("status_red",true); } else if (token_hp_percent <= 0 ) { // Dead obj.set("status_dead",true); } } else { resetStatus(obj); // Clear all unused status markers } } }, resetStatus = function(obj) { obj.set("status_dead",false); obj.set("status_red",false); obj.set("status_brown",false); obj.set("status_yellow",false); obj.set("status_green",false); }, getAllTokens = function(pageID) { // Function to get all tokens let token_objects = findObjs({ _pageid: pageID, _type: 'graphic', _subtype: 'token', }); return token_objects; }, resetAllTokens = function() { var resetAll = getAllTokens(Campaign().get('playerpageid')) .forEach(token => { resetStatus(token); }); }, checkInstall = function() { var script_version = "0.5.2"; if( ! state.healthstat ) { state.healthstat = { version: script_version, run_state: true, }; } if (state.healthstat.version != script_version) state.healthstat.version = script_version; log("-=> Health State Script v"+state.healthstat.version+" Initialized <=-") }, registerEventHandlers = function() { on('chat:message', handleInput); on('change:graphic:bar1_value', handleToken); on('change:graphic:showplayers_bar1', handleToken); }; return { CheckInstall: checkInstall, RegisterEventHandlers: registerEventHandlers }; }()); on("ready", function() { 'use strict'; healthstat.CheckInstall(); healthstat.RegisterEventHandlers(); });