I think this modified version might do what you are asking. Currently it looks for an attribute named "radiation_immunity", and will skip the GM whisper if the value of that attribute is either "true", "1", or "yes". You can change the name of that attribute on line 28 of the script var immunityAttrName = 'radiation_immunity'; It still creates a public chat msg if they have a Geiger counter. Only the GM whisper is affected. Does this work for you? /**
* This script allows the GM to dynamically create radioactive areas in their
* maps. Characters that have Geiger counters will be alerted how many rads
* they are taking.
* To create a radioactive source object:
* 1) Create a token representing the source on the GM layer.
* 2) Set that token's 'radioactive' status marker to on.
* 3) Set its aura1 radius to the distance at which characters will start
* taking rads from it.
* 4) Set the bar1 value to amount of rads/s characters will take at the edge
* of its aura.
* 5) Set the bar1 max value to the maximum amount of rads/s characters can take
* from it.
* To give a player a Geiger counter:
* 1) Give them a 'hasGeigerCounter' attribute.
* 2) Set the attribute to 'true'.
* To make a character immune to radiation, set the attribute "radiation_immunity" to either "true", "1", or "yes"
* If a character moves in a radioactive area and they have a Geiger counter,
* their Geiger counter will alert everyone how many rads/s they are taking.
* If a character moves in a radioactive area and they don't have a Geiger
* counter, only the GM will be alerted how many rads/s they are taking.
var GeigerCounter = (function() {
var immunityAttrName = 'radiation_immunity';
* Computes the apparent brightness of some object, given distance from it
* and the object's luminosity.
* @param {number} distance
* @param {number} luminosity
* @return {number}
function getBrightness(distance, luminosity) {
return luminosity/(4*Math.PI*distance*distance);
* Computes the luminosity of some object, given distance from it and the
* apparent brightness of that object at that distance.
* @param {number} distance
* @param {number} brightness
* @return {number}
function getLuminosity(distance, brightness) {
return brightness*4*Math.PI*distance*distance;
* Gets the unit scale for an object's page.
* @param {graphic} The graphic whose page to get the scale for.
* @return {number}
function _getPageScale(obj) {
var page = findObjs({
_type: 'page',
_id: obj.get('_pageid')
return page.get('scale_number');
* Gets all the tokens representing radioactive sources on the same map
* that some other graphic is on.
* @param {graphic} The graphic whose page to use.
* @return {graphic[]}
function getRadioactiveTokens(obj) {
return findObjs({
_pageid: obj.get('_pageid'),
_type: 'graphic',
layer: 'gmlayer',
status_radioactive: true
* Gets the amount of rads an object is taking from a radioactive token.
* @param {graphic} A graphic representing a character
* @param {graphic} A gmlayer graphic representing a radioactive source.
* @return {int}
function getRads(obj, radToken) {
var pageScale = _getPageScale(obj);
var maxDist = parseInt(radToken.get('aura1_radius')) +
var minRads = parseInt(radToken.get('bar1_value'));
var maxRads = parseInt(radToken.get('bar1_max'));
if(!maxDist || !minRads || !maxRads)
return 0;
var x1 = obj.get('left');
var y1 = obj.get('top');
var x2 = radToken.get('left');
var y2 = radToken.get('top');
var dx = x1-x2;
var dy = y1-y2;
var distance = Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
distance = distance/70*pageScale;
if(distance === 0)
return parseInt(maxRads);
if(distance > maxDist)
return 0;
var luminosity = getLuminosity(maxDist, minRads);
var brightness = getBrightness(distance, luminosity);
return Math.min(maxRads, brightness);
* Checks if a character token has a geiger counter.
* @param {graphic} A graphic representing a character.
* @return {boolean}
function hasGeigerCounter(obj) {
var charId = obj.get('represents');
return false;
var geigerAttr = findObjs({
_type: 'attribute',
_characterid: charId,
name: 'hasGeigerCounter'
return geigerAttr && geigerAttr.get('current');
function _updateToken(obj) {
// Only handle this script if the moved object represents a
// player character.
if(obj.get('represents')) {
var character = findObjs({
_type: 'character',
_id: obj.get('represents'),
let charName = character.get('name');
if (character) {
let charID = character.get("_id");
//look for radiation_immunity attribute
let attr = findObjs({
_type: "attribute",
_characterid: charID,
name: immunityAttrName
}, {caseInsensitive: true})[0];
//check immunity value
let isImmune = false;
if (attr) {
if (_.contains(['true','yes', '1'], attr.get('current').toLowerCase())) {
isImmune = true;
var radTokens = getRadioactiveTokens(obj);
var rads = 0;
// Get the total number of rads/s the character is taking on their
// page from all radioactive sources.
_.each(radTokens, function(radToken) {
if(obj === radToken)
rads += getRads(obj, radToken);
// Round the total up for display.
rads = Math.ceil(rads);
if(rads) {
// If the player has a Geiger counter, let everyone know that
// they are taking rads.
if(hasGeigerCounter(obj)) {
sendChat('☢', charName + '\'s Geiger counter is ' +
'clicking at ' + rads + ' rads/s.');
// Otherwise, let only the GM know that they are taking rads.
} else if (!isImmune) {
sendChat('☢', '/w GM ' + charName + ' is taking ' +
rads + ' rads/s.');
on('change:graphic:lastmove', function(obj) {
// Expose the public functions as an API of this module.
return {
getBrightness: getBrightness,
getLuminosity: getLuminosity,
getRadioactiveTokens: getRadioactiveTokens,
getRads: getRads,
hasGeigerCounter: hasGeigerCounter