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[The One Ring 2nd Edition] Sheet version 2.00 pre-announcement

December 18 (3 years ago)

Edited February 16 (3 years ago)
Richard W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator

Hi Community,

The One Ring 2nd Edition has been released and delivered as PDF, so the character sheet and roll mechanics is now official. We have taken the existing The One Ring sheet that was published with limited layout and functionality, and built on it to ensure compatibility as well as covering the new character sheet.

The work on the sheet has been focused on initial functionality and stylesheet formatting rather than advanced graphics or edge cases (appreciate feedback on this). It uses parsed rolls to ensure dice roll mechanics follow the rules in TOR2E, but allows the use of roll tables if staying with the current solution is important. The choice between the two types of rolls can be made on a game level in the default sheet settings (for new sheets), but also in the left hand panel of the character sheet (see screen shot below).

The sheet looks like below, and most of it should correspond to mostly the sheet and most of the rules of the game. 

oll Mechanics

The roll mechanics of the TOR2E sheet uses a Feat dice roll and a number of Success Dice. The parsed roll with query covers the below, I hope this explains the implemented mechanics and please provide feedback if anything is not working according to the released rules. 

  • TL;DR; Supports Feat die and Success Dice, queries for Favoured roll and modifications to Success dice, and provides result output.
  • Rolls will pick up from the sheet whether it is Normal, Favoured, or Ill-favoured. Those states are highlighted in the roll template output in the chat. 
  • A favoured Feat die is rolled as 2d12kh1 -1 while ill-favoured is 2d12kl1 -1. The minus 1 is to adjust to the 1-10 values possible. An 11 equals the Gandalf Rune result, and a 0 the Sauron Eye result. Gandalf and Eye results show in the rolltemplate output, and are also considered in calculating the success of the roll. 
  • The Target Number is automatically included based on the type of roll, e.g. Strength TN for a Awareness roll.
    Combat proficiency rolls query the Parry modifier of the adversary, which by default is set to the Strength TN so that it can be modified based on Parry Rating. For Protection rolls, the Weapon Injury Rating is requested in a Query instead. 
    NB: There is a targeted option the Weapons in the weapons list, which allows you to target a specific adversary and use its parry. 
  • A query for modification to Success Dice is also shown, to add Bonus or Penalty dice modification, e.g. through Hope point spend. Any modification is also shown in the chat output.
  • The Feat die and Success dice rolls can be hovered over in the chat output, to see the actual roll results. See example 2 and 3 below. 
    This is specifically important if you want to check a weary roll calculation - the Total output takes the weary state into consideration but the Success Dice field will include the 1-3 results. 
  • The result is presented as a Total result and a calculated outcome. 
  • The calculated outcome of the roll is based on presence of the Gandalf Rune, the roll total vs the TN, as well as displaying the Degree of Success (Great or Extraordinary) including the number of dice that was 6s (Elvish symbol). 

All feedback and questions appreciated and encouraged! Please use the discord channel here for more up to date updates on the sheet and progress.

Best Regards,
Richard W

Cool! I'm eager to play ToR 2E and I'm glad someone just made a sheet for it :D

December 26 (3 years ago)

Excellent! Many thanks in advance!

Hi. Just curious, do you have any estimate on when the sheet should be available for public access?

January 02 (3 years ago)
Marketplace Creator

Wow good job. This is really good. I have one problem when I use it weary miserable not working auto. SO if the character is weary it need to count 1 2 3 dices 0 but it is not. Is it normal problem or just me?

Bellow said:

Wow good job. This is really good. I have one problem when I use it weary miserable not working auto. SO if the character is weary it need to count 1 2 3 dices 0 but it is not. Is it normal problem or just me?

Richard did mention that 

• NB: Please note that Weary or Miserable conditions isn't included in the calculation yet.

January 03 (3 years ago)
Richard W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator

Hi all, and thanks for the feedback.

I didn't want to release this without first making the Miserable and Weary part of the rolls. Without them being included they are difficult to track or figure out in the roll output, especially the Miserable where 1, 2, 3 dice results is disregarded. I have worked this into the sheet and are doing some final minor changes today. Once done I will publish this to Roll20, hopefully later today (CET), including the Weary/Miserable logic in the rolls. Once published it will take some time for the Roll20 crew to review and make public, and then I will update the initial post in this thread to match the released version.


January 12 (3 years ago)
Peter B.
Sheet Author

I am so envious of all you sheet authers with amazing CSS skills. My sheet looks so basic in comparison xD

This is amazing! Thank you for doing this, it looks and works great.

One question: should we expect NPC (Adversary) version of the sheets to appear at some point, or are they better set up using Player-hero sheets? The latter have most of the statistics except Hate/Resolve, of course.

January 17 (3 years ago)
Marketplace Creator

Hey I have a request. We are using your sheet in my games it is great but are you thinking of adding favoured and ill favoured combat attack to the sheet. Same monsters hates give ill favoured attacks and we are using skill check for that because there is no option for attack rolls. That will be great if you decide to add that and waiting for new version thank you for your hard work.

January 18 (3 years ago)
Richard W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator

@Sergey, the sheet we are about to publish does have a Adversary tab that has the relevant fields like hate/resolve, parry modifier and so on. We also added a "target" button (crosshair icon) for combat proficiency and weapons that will ask you for a target Adversary and use the Parry modifier from there. 

@Bellow, Thanks for the feedback, mach appreciated! We have had the same discussion, and I believe in the sheet that we are publishing will take the global Ill-favoured input into account when doing combat proficiency tests. And if it doesn't already then it is one of the things that will be included in the first update. 

Bug Report: If you create a new sheet, check "Ill Fav" under Conditions/Modifiers, you can't select another option after that.

January 20 (3 years ago)

Edited January 20 (3 years ago)

Also, is this the intended way the rolls should look? It's kinda disorganized. Even if making a pretty box is too much, putting the rolled values in front of their fields should be better than breaking the line.

Edit: wait, now I'm not sure. Have you release the sheet or is the old sheet that has been updated? 

January 21 (3 years ago)
Richard W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator


The sheet that me and Bodo with help of Aragent (original 1e sheet author) have worked on is not the sheet mentioned above, but have incorporated lots of items from it. However, we found that the production server is not as friendly as the sandbox used to develop the sheet so now the rolls show up without formatting at all. They should look simlar to the screen shot above, with the "diff" box removed as feedback said it was not needed. 

Afaik I understand the new sheet is listed as "The One Ring 2e (Advanced)" to differ it from the previous sheet. 

January 21 (3 years ago)

Edited January 21 (3 years ago)


So, as I understand, The One Ring 2e (Advanced) sheet is not the sheet you are making for this post? It was recently updated, so I thought it was related to this.

The rolls made with The One Ring 2e (Advanced) have no formatting at all, they are looking like this:

January 21 (3 years ago)
Richard W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator

Yes, I am aware that happened. That sheet is related to this, but only in the sense that some of the things form this one was merged into that. Roll20 is pretty keen to keep only one active sheet for each game and edition, which is understandable. So, we decided to do a joint sheet with the best of the two we had built separately. 

It seems like the production server imposes some CSS style rules where the rolltemplate formatting doesn't pass the inspection, so it throws the entire CSS out. This is weird because it works fine in the custom sheet sandbox used to develop the sheet and also if you (as a Pro user) add the sheet html, css and translation in a Custom sheet, this option can be found at the top of the Sheet selection dropdown in the Game settings. For those with a Pro account this may be a workaround for now, but we want everyone to be able use the sheet of course. 

So, we are trying to clean and validate the CSS, and are now waiting for another publish of the sheet to see if this has been fixed. 

Stay tuned, I will update this post when we have a published version where this works as intended.

January 21 (3 years ago)

Richard W. said:

Yes, I am aware that happened. That sheet is related to this, but only in the sense that some of the things form this one was merged into that. Roll20 is pretty keen to keep only one active sheet for each game and edition, which is understandable. So, we decided to do a joint sheet with the best of the two we had built separately. 

Wait, did I understand this correctly? You have been forced to merge two different 2e sheets, the one before which was only a stop-gap sheet (AFAIK) and the one you were making (which looked like the one above, colored red and white), because of Roll20's rules of one sheet per edition. Even if the new one would replace the stop-gap one (resulting in just one sheet for 2e)?! Or did I understand you incorrectly and you are, in fact, making your own sheet (like shown above) which will replace the older, stop-gap one? I truly hope this is the case as I much preferred the look and style of your sheet.

If we are to go forward with the current TOR 2e (Advanced) sheet, I'd like to offer some observations after testing it a bit. First of all, it is too wide and organizes information very haphazardly, IMHO. I understand it tries to mimic the look of the paper sheet, which is horizontally aligned, but what works with real paper sheet doesn't work so well on a screen. I would have preferred your original sheet, which was vertically aligned. Second, the dice roll output is very hard to decipher, being nowhere near the images above, but I take it you are still working on that. However, as it is now, the Advanced sheet requires making rollable tables with uploaded dice symbol images to have anything other than the stuff shown by Marcloure above. None of this looks as good as the images of the original roll templates above. So if you're merging the sheets, please, please try to get those roll templates there and require no dice symbol uploading etc. Without the original, high resolution dice symbol images from Cubicle 7, the end result with rollable tables is quite underwhelming. There also seems to be a quite a few incorrectly working routines under the hood (of the current Advanced sheet), e.g. rolls while "Weary" do not seem to work correctly (even if the tables have been set to count d6 results of 1-3 as 0) and as reported above, favoured and ill-favoured settings lock or don't apply, etc.

Anyway, thanks for your hard work on the sheet. I just wish we could get the sheet you originally showed above, which was much clearer and better organized.

Yeah, I quite agree with everything Tommi said. The TOR 2e (Advanced) sheet being horizontally set occupies the entire screen, some clickable buttons overlap with others, and the overall readability of the sheet is very poor. The attributes have a lot of entangled boxes that is not immediatly obvious what each of them represent. I much prefer the look and style of sheet shown at the start of the thread.

January 22 (3 years ago)
Richard W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator

Hi Tommi and Marcloure,

Please first note that the rolltemplates shown above are the same that you get with the Parsed Roll option in the TOR2e Advanced sheet (except that the Diff was removed as it took a lot of space and provided little value). With it there should be no need to create the tables and add the images, something I found very tedious myself and was the reason I went off plan and built the parsed rolls to begin with.

However, for some reason the Roll20 production server and the published sheet doesn't like the roll template at all, in spite it working in every other way tested. One example of that is if you as a Pro user use the Custom option in the sheet selection dropdown in Game settings, it works there but not when selected as TOR 2e (Advanced). So that part should hopefully be resolved soon, my fellow sheet author is working with Roll20 to figure that one out. 

With regards to the format of the sheet I agree with your feedback, but we also had other feedback that wanted the sheet to fit in one landscape view. The thing is we wanted to release a first version of this sooner rather than later, and it became the landscape mode that we started with. As we keep developing the sheet we will need more feedback like yours, and we most likely will add a configuration tab where you can set your personal preference. We could then move the configuration of what type of rolls you use, the parsed roll template ones or staying with the 1e rollable tables, or perhaps whether to organise the sheet in portrait or landscape mode. 

The main thing that I would like to stress is that this sheet in current state is the first release version, we will stabilise it and make the rolls work as intended, and then we will keep improving on it. Again, this type of feedback is crucial to that effort, so keep providing constructive and creative ideas for improvements, and we will then plan to implement them.  

February 10 (3 years ago)
Sheet Author

Hi everybody,

the rolltemplate of the sheet is working now and we encourage everybody to check the current version of the sheet and provide feedback. We value your feedback and received already very positive reactions on the TOR discord channel at (channel Roll20) which is also a great resource for discussion and additional content for the game. Ric and I joined forces to channel all requirements and resources into one combined effort to make the best non-official Roll20 sheet for TOR available on Roll20 (which is not easy to achieve). So please bear with us and provide feedback. We will try our best to make everybody happy!

February 16 (3 years ago)

Thank you all for the hard work, I've yet to start my own game, but have been using it for someone else's game. I need to do some testing with the 'targeting' feature, not something I've ever used before on Roll20.

Legend. Can't wait to play.