Hi Community,
The One Ring 2nd Edition has been released and delivered as PDF, so the character sheet and roll mechanics is now official. We have taken the existing The One Ring sheet that was published with limited layout and functionality, and built on it to ensure compatibility as well as covering the new character sheet.
The work on the sheet has been focused on initial functionality and stylesheet formatting rather than advanced graphics or edge cases (appreciate feedback on this). It uses parsed rolls to ensure dice roll mechanics follow the rules in TOR2E, but allows the use of roll tables if staying with the current solution is important. The choice between the two types of rolls can be made on a game level in the default sheet settings (for new sheets), but also in the left hand panel of the character sheet (see screen shot below).
The sheet looks like below, and most of it should correspond to mostly the sheet and most of the rules of the game.
oll Mechanics
The roll mechanics of the TOR2E sheet uses a Feat dice roll and a number of Success Dice. The parsed roll with query covers the below, I hope this explains the implemented mechanics and please provide feedback if anything is not working according to the released rules.
- TL;DR; Supports Feat die and Success Dice, queries for Favoured roll and modifications to Success dice, and provides result output.
- Rolls will pick up from the sheet whether it is Normal, Favoured, or Ill-favoured. Those states are highlighted in the roll template output in the chat.
- A favoured Feat die is rolled as 2d12kh1 -1 while ill-favoured is 2d12kl1 -1. The minus 1 is to adjust to the 1-10 values possible. An 11 equals the Gandalf Rune result, and a 0 the Sauron Eye result. Gandalf and Eye results show in the rolltemplate output, and are also considered in calculating the success of the roll.
- The Target Number is automatically included based on the type of roll, e.g. Strength TN for a Awareness roll.
Combat proficiency rolls query the Parry modifier of the adversary, which by default is set to the Strength TN so that it can be modified based on Parry Rating. For Protection rolls, the Weapon Injury Rating is requested in a Query instead.
NB: There is a targeted option the Weapons in the weapons list, which allows you to target a specific adversary and use its parry. - A query for modification to Success Dice is also shown, to add Bonus or Penalty dice modification, e.g. through Hope point spend. Any modification is also shown in the chat output.
- The Feat die and Success dice rolls can be hovered over in the chat output, to see the actual roll results. See example 2 and 3 below.
This is specifically important if you want to check a weary roll calculation - the Total output takes the weary state into consideration but the Success Dice field will include the 1-3 results. - The result is presented as a Total result and a calculated outcome.
- The calculated outcome of the roll is based on presence of the Gandalf Rune, the roll total vs the TN, as well as displaying the Degree of Success (Great or Extraordinary) including the number of dice that was 6s (Elvish symbol).
All feedback and questions appreciated and encouraged! Please use the discord channel here for more up to date updates on the sheet and progress.
Best Regards,
Richard W