So I know Torment and Legacy is a free Pathfinder 2e module, and meant to be a 'learn to play', but there are some big game/sheet issues in the content. The free PDF from Paizo vs the roll20 tokens and things are a little off. But I can roll with switching a gender of a NPC, not a big deal. But the pregenerated characters are built very differently, like backgrounds and such, giving them very different feats and spells. So a player with a PDF can't play the roll20 one properly. The BIGGEST issue though is that their are input issues that make damage and actions incorrect. So if you ONLY played with the info from roll20 you have new players who can cast 3 spells a round (via the incorrect action economy on the wizard) and other characters whose damage wasn't being auto rolled. So I went over it with a fine tooth comb in my games, and corrected it all so new players aren't confused. I was just very surprised by the number of issues, and felt bad for a friend who tried being a GM for the first time with a new player as well. Just FYI for anyone knew, that it needs some tweaking!