I am running a game of D&D 5E where one of the players is a CotM Druid. To make things more streamlined I created a Rollable Table/Multi Sided Token with token for each of the wildshape forms the player can use. Unfortunately there are some issues with using multi sided tokens: 1. There's no way to reorganise the rollable table. Eventually there will be a lot of possible forms for a CotM Druid, and just adding them to the end of the list with no sorting wouldn't be great. Ideally I could move added items to where I want them in the list (I'd prefer to sort them first by CR then by name) but even alphabetically would be better than nothing. 2. When choosing a side on the token, you only see the image. This will cause issues, particularly with a poorly sorted list (see point 1). There are 5 snakes, 4 bears, 3 rats, 3 horses, etc on the list and finding the wanted token will be easier if the name given to that face was shown. Parts of this request have been made a few before , but it never got enough traction to move forward, but the multi sided token mechanics seem pretty hard to find in the first place. I didn't even discover they existed until I saw the tips page for Witchlight Carnival.