Hello all I was wondering if some knew a macro for the following: 1d100 Advantage It is a 1d100 percentile system where low is better. With 1d100 Advantage you roll two TENs dice, choosing the lowest (i.e. the best) result of the two, rolled. The trouble is, whilst I can do /roll 2d100, I don't know what to change to roll the 2 TENS dice and 1 Units die, at the same time. Thank you EDIT: And if possible, macros that inform the player the quality of their attempt: Astounding Attempt (equal to or lower than the difficulty number with doubles Example: difficulty 59, results of 55, 44, 33, etc Standard Attempt (equal to or lower than the difficulty number) Example: difficulty 59, results of 38, etc Mediocre Attempt (within three points either way of the difficulty) Example: 59, result of 57, 58, 59, 60, and 61 Poor Attempt (greater than the difficulty number) Example: 59, results of 62, 73, etc Disastrous Attempt (greater than the difficulty number with doubles) Example: 59, results of 66, 77, 88, etc I realise that might be beyond the capabilities of Roll20 but I thought I'd ask just in case.