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Roll20 Performance was about as bad as I've seen

Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Awful.  Atrocious.  Multiple seconds for clicking on anything or worse performance doing anything.  Makes me start really seeking alternatives to Roll20.  This keeps happening.  Again and again.  Then you fix, then again.  You need metrics to see this coming and stop it from happening.  Your saving grace is that foundry API developers want big money for their APIs and fantasy grounds, you get what you get.  I don't want to leave this site, but this periodic terrible performance has to stop.  You can detect this long before it happens
Do you use Dynamic Lighting with Explorer Mode? If so, turn it off and see if it gets better. If turned on - as player or gm - I notice the lag as well (opening handouts, rolling dice etc.)
TheMarkus1204 said: Do you use Dynamic Lighting with Explorer Mode? If so, turn it off and see if it gets better. If turned on - as player or gm - I notice the lag as well (opening handouts, rolling dice etc.) Why should we have to "Not Use" a feature that is part of our product?  Why cant' they just fix the issue.  It has been around forever!
Bob P. said: Why should we have to "Not Use" a feature that is part of our product?  Why cant' they just fix the issue.  It has been around forever! Choose your own adventure: They are aware of this and taking it very seriously. Maybe its on your end?  You should do some exhaustive testing to confirm it isn't on your end.  Because it probably is.  Maybe. Don't worry about it - look, new changes to the Marketplace!  Isn't that great? -Adam
Bob P. said: TheMarkus1204 said: Do you use Dynamic Lighting with Explorer Mode? If so, turn it off and see if it gets better. If turned on - as player or gm - I notice the lag as well (opening handouts, rolling dice etc.) Why should we have to "Not Use" a feature that is part of our product?  Why cant' they just fix the issue.  It has been around forever! UDL is garbage and even if you get it to work well for your table it utilizes things that virtually every adblocker is designed to block till you whitelist roll20 so your players are likely playing with UDL off without letting you know, unless they are teachers pets and tell you.  Always use LDL and if you have issue with how they make you jump through hoops just to constantly switch LDL on...preachin to the choir bud, it wasn't always that way, they actively wasted dev hours to redesign the page and token settings tabs so that it was harder to find and utilize LDL, purposely used dev hours just to hide it and make it stay hidden after you enable it in the session.  Someone actively spent hours redesigning their UI to do that to every plus and pro user well before UDL will ever become reliable.  
Hey Victor, Sorry to hear you are running into these performance problems. It is something our team is investigating and actively working on-- when we have more information to share we will let you know as soon as we can. As for the issue at hand, typical troubleshooting information is incredibly  helpful as it can help inform on the issue at hand. The what and the where are key, you mention " Multiple seconds for clicking on anything or worse performance doing anything " is this literally across every aspect of the VTT? Or does it seem to happen more often in certain places (i.e. moving tokens, opening sheets, navigating pages, etc.). Having an explicit and clear idea of the behavior you are encountering is paramount for us to properly diagnose and address any issues on our end. Additionally, the following questions can also help quite a bit: What is the name of the game where this happened most recently? Does it happen in a new game? Have you run through the steps from our Reporting a Bug article ? Extensions being disabled, browser being up-to-date, and especially hardware acceleration being enabled  If available, does the problem persist or change if on a different device? These steps may or may not resolve the issue at hand, but it goes a long way towards sussing out root causes that Roll20 may need to address directly.

Edited 1643942694
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
@Drespar.  The performance issues, when they happen, affect everything.  Opening a character sheet, opening a token.  Opening a handout.  Running an API.  Everything just grinds down.  When I posted this thread, I was getting 4-5 second response time per click.  Last night it was solid, then went out to lunch, then came back, then went out to lunch.  Intermittent.   The second, more concerning issue is for two nights, two sessions in a row, the different sets of players saw a token on the map in a location that I didn't see.  When I refreshed browser, I saw it.  These were tokens I moved or removed and it somehow didn't take.  I saw the token moved.  Or in another case removed.  The players saw it in it's original position.  Again, when I refreshed I saw the token where they were seeing it.   Somehow there was a disconnect between what I was doing with the tokens and what they were seeing and I wonder if that's related to the performance somehow.  
That definitely sounds... frustrating to say the least. When the performance degrades like this, do you get the red "connection interrupted" prompt? The fact that you have token discrepancy definitely sounds like there is something happening with the connection to Firebase. When you removed those tokens, the updated info didn't get sent to Firebase, so the players could still see it since Firebase said it was still there. Client side it was gone, but a refresh called info from the database again and it reappeared. You mention two sessions, with different players -- could you provide the names of the games where you saw this start? Do the players also experience the same issues as yourself? Is it at the same time or different times throughout the session?

Edited 1643988189
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
No, I don't get a connection interrupted.  It just slows down.   I'll PM you game names if that's ok.  And yes, the players saw the token at a totally different location than I did.  Once I refreshed, I saw the token at the same location they did.  So somehow, the players didn't pick up the change I made.  
Yeah, PM would be absolutely okay. I am hoping we can take a look and see if the problem happens on our end as well. Lot of conflicting pieces going on here -- the fact there seems to be evidence of de-sync but no warning. Curious if some portion is timing out. Unsure of what the cause of that would be right now.

Edited 1644020245
API Scripter
One thing I've noted was just this last week's session - I normally had hardware acceleration on for my browser, and had turned it off due to another issue - when I started the game it behaved as you described, until I turned on hardware acceleration in Chrome:  Chrome: [ ⋮ ]> Settings > Advanced > System > Use hardware acceleration when available   (Toggle)   Everything ran a lot smoother after that. It may be that without that, Chrome struggles with the processor requirements. 

Edited 1644564880
Victor B. said: @Drespar.  The performance issues, when they happen, affect everything.  Opening a character sheet, opening a token.  Opening a handout.  Running an API.  Everything just grinds down.  When I posted this thread, I was getting 4-5 second response time per click.  Last night it was solid, then went out to lunch, then came back, then went out to lunch.  Intermittent.   The second, more concerning issue is for two nights, two sessions in a row, the different sets of players saw a token on the map in a location that I didn't see.  When I refreshed browser, I saw it.  These were tokens I moved or removed and it somehow didn't take.  I saw the token moved.  Or in another case removed.  The players saw it in it's original position.  Again, when I refreshed I saw the token where they were seeing it.   Somehow there was a disconnect between what I was doing with the tokens and what they were seeing and I wonder if that's related to the performance somehow.   I do have the same issues but ONLY with Dynamic Lighting and Explorers Mode turned on! If this is turned off, it works just fine. It it is turned on, opening character sheet, rolling dice etc. is slowed down to the extend that it is barely usable! I do not see the red "connection interrupted" prompt, too. (Hardware Acceleration enabled on my end)