Well I spoke to soon it works but part of the code shows up in the chat window. The code works and does what i want but not the correct way.
I had to return the button code to get it to work, im still a noob when comes to coding. I know your suppose to leave button code all on same line. Im up for any suggestions!!!! Please.
When i put them in the same line like we are suppose to the second !modbattr is ignored. I tried --modb for the second one but it still doesnt function as intended. I know there is a Long Rest API already but its not for my custom "Modded" sheet (5e Community Contributed), since i dont know how to code the API, i was working on something i understand a little more.
I tried removing the first end of Code String (!!!) to see if that was my problem but the same results.
<button type="roll" class="sheet-roll" name="roll_Long_Rest" value="&{template:5eDefault} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{title=Long Rest}} {{subheader=@{character_name}}} {{simple=1}} {{freetextname=@{character_name}}} {{freetext=Has taken a long rest. Max HP restored, Spell Slots reset to 0, Temp HP reset to 0, Place Holder..}} !setattr --name @{character_name} --spell_slots_l1|0 --spell_slots_l2|0 --spell_slots_l3|0 --spell_slots_l4|0 --spell_slots_l5|0 --spell_slots_l6|0 --spell_slots_l7|0 --spell_slots_l8|0 --spell_slots_l9|0 --hp|@{hp|max} --temp_HP|0!!!
!modbattr --name @{character_name} --exhaustion_status|-1!!!"> Take Long Rest</button>