CombatTracker API has stopped working. Token no longer appear in torn order. HELP
This is a known issue caused by a change in how the API addresses the tracker. Hopefully it will be reverted soon.
Combat Tracker isn't supported anymore. Group Initiative and Combat Master have both been updated to reflect the change and will revert back if Roll20 does revert back.
Nope....go here and get latest 2.47...Copy in as new script using RAW button on github and delete the one click. And again, Combat Tracker isn't supported. Combat Master does have an import from combat tracker, which may or may not work depend on how old your combat tracker is.
Victor B. said:
Nope....go here and get latest 2.47...Copy in as new script using RAW button on github and delete the one click. And again, Combat Tracker isn't supported. Combat Master does have an import from combat tracker, which may or may not work depend on how old your combat tracker is.
got it and disabled all other API's........NOT WORKING STILL
Did they fix the bug with tokens not showing up on the Combat Tracker and rolling new initiative on each turn yet?
GM is this a new install? Upgrade? The turnorder issue is definitely fixed. What's not working?
Combat Tracker isn't supported anymore. Doubtful a fix will be done with that one.
No ive had my scripts for months now. When I attempt to start a new combat it doesn't show tokens on the turn order but it shows they rolled initiative, it doesnt show the turn markers either. So instead of selecting all the tokens and hitting the CM play button Ive been selecting all the tokens and hitting my macro button for GroupInitiative. But using that it doesnt add the Turn Markers either or allow me to reroll Initiative every turn.
DM, you likely have an older version of CombatMaster, either because it's the 1-click version (which hasn't been patched for the TurnOrder bug introduced last week), or because you have an older manual copy. You can get the latest version, 2.47 here:
Hopefully it will be in the 1-click soon.
The Aaron sorry for my english( I have installed the latest version 2.47 and it does not work once again selected the black arrow all freezes. In the TurnOrder the tokens appear but in the chat nothing appears anymore going forward with the black arrow on the right passes to the second round but neither the marker nor in the chat anything appears
The Aaron said:
DM, you likely have an older version of CombatMaster, either because it's the 1-click version (which hasn't been patched for the TurnOrder bug introduced last week), or because you have an older manual copy. You can get the latest version, 2.47 here:
Hopefully it will be in the 1-click soon.
The script seems to work but the roll new Initiative every round still does not.