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Why no more Pathfinder 1 products?

Jacob R.
Whenever I see the quarterly reports The Orr Group puts out, it is evident that Pathfinder 1 are one of the most played systems on Roll20. Thus I just do not understand why there is such a meager selection of PF1 products in the store? Will that ever change? I know and understand they want to push PF2 since that is the new toy, but looking at the numbers, the lack of PF1 products is just weird. Fantasy Grounds get continually releases for PF1.
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That's probably a question for Paizo. Roll20 doesn't decide what Paizo wants on the Roll20 platform. If enough people got together to ask Paizo for more 1e products, they might decide to do so.

Edited 1644014577
Jacob R.
I don't think that is true. According to Paizo they have given Roll20 the rights to put Paizo products on the Marketplace. That is according to their marketing guy at least as I understandt it.
Jacob R.
Reading the twitter account of Paizo's marketing boss - Aaron Shanks - it is pretty clear that it is Roll20 that decides what gets on the platform. Also when on the Paizo forum asked about PF2 products and missing APs, Aaron's answer was: We do not think so. They are focused on smaller adventures over APs. Ultimately, it is up to them. There's no reason to believe it should be any different with PF1. It is solely Roll20 that is the limiter here. And I just don't understand it.
Sheet Author
Jacob R. said: Reading the twitter account of Paizo's marketing boss - Aaron Shanks - it is pretty clear that it is Roll20 that decides what gets on the platform. Also when on the Paizo forum asked about PF2 products and missing APs, Aaron's answer was: We do not think so. They are focused on smaller adventures over APs. Ultimately, it is up to them. There's no reason to believe it should be any different with PF1. It is solely Roll20 that is the limiter here. And I just don't understand it. If Paizo was truly interested in having their content here, they wouldn't rely on "we told Roll20 they could put our content on there".  Paizo could spend some man hours, or hire a contractor to help put things on Roll20.  Relying on Roll20 to put out large batches of content whenever they feel like it around other things with more involved publishers probably isn't the most efficient way to promote your product. Somehow I doubt that is how Evil Hat went about having a bunch of stuff on here in a relatively short time. That said, this might very well be one of the signs of the recent turmoil within Paizo.  I expect that has been building for a while.
Forum Champion
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Without being inside both (virtual) offices, we can only speculate.
I think main reason why Paizo isn't doing it on their own is that they probably don't want to dedicate resources for it because they have nobody in staff who specializes in this sort of thing (and dedicating them to this would take away from their other work) and they can't get even their website working well.
Marketplace Creator
Likely they want to focus more on promoting their new and shiny system over selling their back catalogue.  My guess?  They figure they can make more money selling stuff in the new system by provoking oldbies to port over to it and attracting newbies.  I'm personally being a bit stubborn about it, but I'm afraid they'll probably get me eventually.  Probably when they release Pathfinder 3, in all liklihood, lol.