I'm having a really hard time figuring this out. I've tried searching the forums and playing around, and it just doesn't seem to make sense to me.
I want to enable Dynamic Lighting, and give someone a light source that extends out to 10', no further. I went into the token settings page and enabled "Emits Bright Light" and set the distance to 10'. However, that gives me a token that emits light out to 20' radius. The light multiplier is 100%, and emitting low light is disabled.
If I disable "Emits Bright Light" and enable "Emits Low Light", with a distance of 10', that also gives me a token that emits light out to like a 25' radius, getting dimmer toward the edges. That's completely unintuitive. The distance per square on the map page is set to 5', so I'm counting squares to determine distance.
Does anyone have any advice? The documentation for this stuff is either hiding from me, or absent. Thanks!