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"What's New" in Marketplace not coming up...

Marketplace Creator
It's a minor inconvenience, but for several days now I am unable to open the 'What's New' link to the marketplace. I can open every other spot, including the browse link. As I said, it's minor, but thought I would let people know.
Roll20 Team
Thanks for letting us know. It seems to be working for me but I'll get some other folks to take a look at it!
Not working for me neither
This is what come up
Roll20 Team
Warlord said: This is what come up Can I get you to try clearing your cache and cookies and see if you still get this error? 

Edited 1644638026
Clearing the cache worked for me. (Clearing cookies wasn't enough.) Edit: By "worked" I mean I can get to the page eventually. It still takes an unusually long time to load. Edit 2: Coming up for me right away now (Friday evening)! Before now the page was taking a good 15-20 seconds to load, even after clearing the cache. Thanks for the fix, whatever it was.
Just spotted this post. Having the same issue. I had just made a purchase, was about to make another and that page came up. I tried making a test account, and the marketplace worked fine, but when logging into this account and trying - I always get that message now. Been going on a few hours for me now.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Did you try clearing cache and cookies, like in the above post?

Edited 1644427851
Hey Keith.. Yes I did. I tried to log on from 3 different computers.  In each case I get the same message when trying to reach the marketplace. Able to reach other areas of R20 just fine.. so far.  So, I'm puzzled.  Same browser on another user ID, and I can get to market fine though. Another interesting observation. At the bottom of your HOME page there are those New Marketplace Additions. If I click one of those - it takes me to the product just fine.  After a bit more testing, I think it is safe to say this problem ONLY exists with the "What's New" option. Going right to "Browse" or any other option, seems to function.  So that sounds like a R20 issue no? Might be a good thing, I've probably shopped too much anyway maybe I've too much and it's suggesting I stop! :)
Sheet Author
I'm not having any trouble reaching that page on 2 different computers.  I wonder if this is one of those "only happens on a certain browser/os/hardware combination" things. I have to admit I have never used the What's New link until this came up on the forums.  I generally go to the marketplace and hit the search button without entering any search parameters, which defaults to listing the newest things first.
I'm also seeing this issue and it seems to be account specific. While logged into my account I'm unable to browse and can't make purchases. However, I can browse the marketplace just fine using he same browser if I'm not logged in or if I'm logged in using my wife's account. I've submitted bug report and am early awaiting a response
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Steve said: I'm also seeing this issue and it seems to be account specific. While logged into my account I'm unable to browse and can't make purchases. However, I can browse the marketplace just fine using he same browser if I'm not logged in or if I'm logged in using my wife's account. I've submitted bug report and am early awaiting a response That's why I had hoped that Sarah R. Cohen's solution would work for Argus Host. That very much sounds like something tied to a cookie or cached data. Argus Host, when you deleted cookies, did you delete ALL cookies, or just ones with Roll20 in the name? The latter does not get everything in my experience.
I just try it, I delete all cache and cookies. I still can get to what's new on the market place. I can go in by clicking Browse or if I click on of the links for individual products. 
Deleting cookies/cache doesn't help, unfortunately.  I also have the same issue when using a different computer at home and also when using my iPhone via its cellular connection. In all cases if I'm logged in to my account, I get the gateway time-out error on

Edited 1644452408
same issue.  I noticed this happening starting on 2/4 as I regularly check the "what's new," section, several times / week.  Tried doing: - cleared cache and cookies - tried in browsers:  firefox, chrome and edge (all 3 verified were up to date) - tried in private browsing / incognito i.e., without any add-ons running - tried multiple pc's  desktop and laptop Assuming this is probably account based In addition; as others have noted, I am able to access "browse."  However, I have also noticed, when looking for a specific game system, such as call of cthulu or companies such as evil hat; it will filter the results but then switch back to everything after approximately 10 seconds.  For what it's worth, looking at debugger when trying to access the "what's new," page gives this message: This page uses the non standard property “zoom”. Consider using calc() in the relevant property values, or using “transform” along with “transform-origin: 0 0”.
Checking today all seems well ... no more  gateway time-outs. Is this working for others? Any ideas/explanation as to what the issue was? Thanks.
can confirm, just tested and it came up immediately for me.  :)   <3
awogg said: can confirm, just tested and it came up immediately for me.  :)   <3 Glad to hear!