Hello all, As I am currently working on a custom sheet for a certain system, I have been in contact with the publisher to discuss the possibility to support him in building a compendium and have it integrated with the custom sheet. We have a written agreement between me (and my partner) and the publisher, and the publisher recently announced us he had reached an agreement with roll20, so we should soon begin the technical work to actually build the compendium and modify our sheet for integration. Regarding the actual build of the compendium, I read, but am a bit puzzled by what I read here, as it would seem that you actually would have to create the compendium page by page manually, with no way to actually work on structuring the data to import it. <a href="https://help.roll20.net/hc/en-us/articles/360042599794-Compendium-for-Publishers" rel="nofollow">https://help.roll20.net/hc/en-us/articles/360042599794-Compendium-for-Publishers</a> Has anyone here worked on building a compendium and has any insight/advice on how to efficiently get a PDF to compendium... I have already some structured data (however incomplete, as it is a database of the technical data of each element, but not its description), and know that the compendium will most likely be between 1000 and 2000 pages (just counting the most numerous entries)... So I can't really believe the only way to do this is by 1000+ copy pastes...