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Ghinarian Hills/Stonehell


Edited 1705261811
Active PCs Bill - Talaktakan , male Dragonborn/Yuan-Ti Fighter (Eldritch Knight) 20+ Craig - Lazlo , male Nerathi Human Fighter (Battlemaster) 20+ Occasional/ Inactive/Retired PCs Matt -  John Stonehell , male Human Barbarian (Totem)/Rogue (Swashbuckler) Chris -  Maglor , male High Elf Rogue (Thief) 13 Keelia -  Bright Star , female Tabaxi Rogue (Swashbuckler) 10  Matt -  Browneye ,    male Human Ranger (Gloomstalker) 9  Chris -  Fraener ,  male Dwarf Cleric (Forge) 8 Jack -  Japachi , male Lizardfolk Rogue (Scout) 8  Judith - Tuzhnamatay , female Yuan-Ti Warlock (Hexblade) 8 Priest  -  Trace Gin , level 8 male Wood Elf Ranger 5 (Horizon Walker)/Rogue 3 (Scout) Muizz -  Stod , male Altanian Human Paladin (Conquest) 7 Priest -  Shades Caden , Yuan-Ti Bard (Spy) 7 Just Wisher -  Aaron , level 7 male Human Rogue (Assassin) 5,  Shadow Magic Sorcerer 2 VikThor - Vicquinor , Rogue/Fighter ( Battlemaster)   Jelly - Sekhmet , Amazon Gloom Stalker Ranger  Rich -   Arnulf Bloodaxe , male Skandik/Altani Sea Wolf Human Barbarian (Totem)  Deceased Chris -  Gruffyd , male Dwarf Fighter 8

Edited 1677838686
Travel Times Stonehell-Khundrakar/Stone Tooth: 5 days. Stonehell-Kolda (ship Selatine-Hara then overland): 11 days.
 Goat's Head Inn Taproom

Edited 1667468181
Rumours of Stonehell Dungeon's Deep Halls 1 A large settlement of Vrilya exists in the depths  of Stonehell Dungeon. 2 A dwarven mine laden with vast amounts of  unmined gold exists on one of the lower levels of  the dungeon.  3 There is a gaming house known as the Casino in  Stonehell Dungeon. Great fortunes change hands  on the turn of the cards or the throw of the dice,  and all are welcome there if they come in peace.  4 A stronghold of dwarves is located inside  Stonehell Dungeon. The dwarves have chosen a  new king who wants to improve trade relations  with outsiders. All visitors to the dwarven  stronghold are given a lavish greeting.  5 A bizarre tomb situated in the dungeon holds the  mortal remains of travelers from the Outer Dark.  Their corpses are protected by horrible guardians  and lethal traps.  6 The unearthly four-armed mummies that prowl  certain parts of the dungeon grant those who eat  their dusty wrappings potent powers.  7 A massive chasm bisects several of the dungeon’s  levels allowing easy travel between them…if one  can fly.  8 Powerful vampires infest the dungeon’s lowest  level. These super-vampires are immune to  cleric’s divine powers and holy water.  9 A gateway between worlds can be found in the  lower levels of the dungeon. Some say it leads to  many worlds. 10 The dungeon is endless. There is always another  level to be discovered beneath one’s feet.  11 Various monstrous inhabitants have been  mutated by inexplicable magics and possess  weird powers not seen by others of their kind.  12 A forgotten dragon lord’s hoard lies hidden on the  dungeon’s lowest level. 13 The scintillating globes found in the dungeon are  linked to certain rings, allowing near-instant  travel.  14 An ancient war god is imprisoned in the deepest  part of the dungeon. His immortal worshippers  strive to free him and bring about an apocalyptic  event.  15 It is best if one leaves the fungus alone.  16 A decayed king atop a crumbling throne grants  the wishes of those who bend their knees to him. 17 A metallic and flesh monstrosity dwells in a heap  of rubbish, served by a tribe of Morlocks bearing  unique powers.  18 Writing one’s name on a special wall in the  dungeon grants immortality. 19 Beware the sound of wheezing deep in the  dungeon for it means both life and death are  around the corner.  20 A cruel and often lethal fate awaits those who  can’t cover their losses in the Casino. 
2918 KOLDA (Town): Conventional; TL 4; 400gp limit; Assets 18,925gp; Population 1790 - Mountain Dwarf 1,428 (Warriors 357), Human slaves 362 (90% female) Resources: Weapons. Authority Figure: King Dorin Utagon, male dwarf [mountain] Important Characters: Hanli Belisinnu, male dwarf [mountain] (Priest of Kazadarum/Goibhnie, god of smiths); Ekli Ut Tarrek, male dwarf [mountain] (leader of the Ironmasters); Hatuzon the Heedful, male dwarf [mountain] (Warlock). Only trusted dwarves and their human slaves are allowed beyond the twin gates of Kolda. The half-underground village, along with Chacban, is one of the two forges of dwarves in the lands of Barbarian Altanis. The most prestigious school of the dwarven ironmasters is located here; the quality of weapons famed throughout the Wilderlands. The inhabitants of the town rarely leave their home, relying on their northern brethren to transport their wares to the markets. They mistrust humans and prefer to wear golden jewelry, even coating their armor and weapons with the same. A small number of clever but (it's said) insane dwarves worship at the Mirror of Yog, an aeons-old metal mirror showing things best left unseen. They gain Warlock powers through this act.

Edited 1678822994
The Mamba Crew - serve Aaron, from M3 4453 BCCC Based in Ahyf, they are involved in smuggling goods to and from the Kingdom of Nerath while avoiding King Namelin's toll collectors. 1. Cloven Zul , half-elf female, the broker of questionable information, shifting goods and general logistics coordinator 2. Akash : Akash is a 29 year old male half-orc smuggler/tracker.  He has long, wavy, white hair and green eyes.  He stands 5'5" and has a muscular build.  He hates fair play.  He knows all the gossip around town.  He likes finding direct solutions to problems. 3. Hearts in the Night : Hearts in the Night is a 33 year old female tabaxi smuggler.  She has blue eyes.  She has shaggy gray fur.  She stands 5'6" and has an athletic build.  She easily holds grudges.  She rarely speaks.  She wants to know every side of a story before expressing an opinion. The Mamba Crew Smugglers Gang. Maintenance Cost is 30gp/month. Spending all Work Weeks on running the business is enough for a +30 bonus on the d% roll each month, allowing some time (ca 8-10 days) for adventuring etc. Comfortable lifestyle expenses are included. Running Business - roll on last day of each month (real & game). If you are required to pay a cost as a result of rolling on this table but fail to do so, the business begins to fail. For each unpaid debt incurred in this manner, you take a −10 penalty to subsequent rolls made on this table. d100 + 0-30. d% Result 01–20 Goods Seized & Associate arrested. You must pay one and a half times the business’s maintenance cost (135gp) to replace the lost goods and free your associate. 21–30 Associate arrested. You must pay the business’s full maintenance cost (90gp) to free the associate. 31–40 Goods seized. You must pay half the business’s maintenance cost (45gp) to replace the lost goods.  41–60 The business covers its own maintenance cost. 61–80 The business covers its own maintenance cost. It earns a profit of 1d6 × 5 gp. 81–90 The business covers its own maintenance cost. It earns a profit of 2d8 × 5 gp. 91-130 The business covers its own maintenance cost. It earns a profit of 3d10 × 5 gp.
Stonehell Rumours - Upper Levels 1 Spinning the great cube summons a djinn who  grants wishes.  2 One section of the dungeon is filled with  dangerous plants.  3 At least one underwater tunnel connects the  dungeon to a nearby swamp. 4 A snake cult conducts bizarre and obscene rites  in a crumbling temple located within the  dungeon. 5 Anyone slain in the dungeon will rise as an  undead monster. 6 Some rooms rise and fall within the dungeon,  granting direct access to several different levels (true) 7 An ever-burning skeleton has been glimpsed in  the dungeon depths. 8 A holy man who lives in an ancient crypt offers  solace and healing to weary adventurers. 9 An old gold mine connects with the dungeon.  10 The kobolds of Stonehell offer goods and  services for sale in an underground bazaar. (true) 11 On the third level is the Hexperiment, left by the Plated Mage when he moved deeper into the dungeon. The wizard who masters it will gain untold riches. 12 The tiny mute men found in Stonehell are the  dungeon‘s secret masters.  13 A giant cave swarms with scores of carrion crawlers . 14 Ringing bells in the dungeon can have  unforeseen results. 15 A bottomless chasm exists in the dungeon. 16 Sleeping within the dungeon causes insanity. 17 There is an albino ape in Stonehell who is  smarter than most men and can cast powerful  spells. 18 The dark power that rules the dungeon makes sure that the  monster population of Stonehell never  diminishes. 19 All the cisterns and pools in the dungeon are  protected by powerful guardians who attack  anyone not knowing the proper password. 20 On the fourth level of Stonehell dwell gentleman ghouls who will invite you in for dinner.
 Stonehell, Khundrakar & Kolda 15 miles/hex